Friday, October 31, 2014
News: DIII Conference Previews; NYC Marathon Women; Bersagel; Bates
USTFCCCA DIII Conference Previews HERE.
Top US women at the TCSNYC Marathon(includes Kara Goucher and Annie Bersagel) cover a lot of different topics at the pre-race press conference HERE.
ESPNW story on Annie Bersagel is HERE
Emma Bates wins Mountain West women's individual title, Video report HERE..
Cross Country,
Emma Bates,
New York City Marathon,
Martin County West Saving Trick or Treating for Saturday
The Martin County West High School boy's team is using it's anonymity to its advantage. While they've been ranked number one in Class A this season, they haven't been featured in the media, have avoided the limelight and familiarity that often comes with a number one ranking.
All the while one of the team members, who coach Stanetta Svoboda says has been nicknamed "the Stats Guy," uses his skills to track the competition. Who is running well? What kind of times have they run? He's encyclopedic and accurate, says Svoboda. "We want to know our competition," she says. Stats man is not one of the top seven, so doing the research is his way of contributing to the success of the team.
All the while one of the team members, who coach Stanetta Svoboda says has been nicknamed "the Stats Guy," uses his skills to track the competition. Who is running well? What kind of times have they run? He's encyclopedic and accurate, says Svoboda. "We want to know our competition," she says. Stats man is not one of the top seven, so doing the research is his way of contributing to the success of the team.
"Be humble," she tells them as their achievements have grown. It wasn't that long ago that the team had never won their conference meet, let alone Section or State honors. The current team is a very close knit bunch, says Svoboda, with most of the current team having been together since seventh grade. Two of those then seventh graders were on the first team that won the school's first conference title.
They have repeated as conference champions every year since. The first win was a big confidence builder, the spark that began the climb to where they are now. Svoboda does not focus on the accolades, however, the number one rankings, the race victories. Her mantra is simple and fits in well with her emphasis on humility. She often holds team meetings in the school's cafeteria where she tells them: "This (sport) is not easy. If it were easy this entire cafeteria would be full." Instead she has 42 students out for the two teams(boy's and girl's), each dedicated to meeting the challenges the sport presents.
She urges them to "study the sport," analyze, learn from your mistakes, and change the things you need to, support one another. The closeness of the team was illustrated recently when a graduate was getting married. She was having a "country wedding" and wanted this year's team members to participate as servers. "It was so neat," says Svoboda of the experience. She has been coaching at the school since 1988 and one reason for that longevity is experiences like this that transcend the sport.
"Kids will say to me 'Thanks for the impact you've made on my life.' What I hope they take away is to remember to be good citizens." As part of that Martin County West administrators have allowed her to bring the entire team to the State Meet when they qualify, not just the ones who will be running in the races. So the team will go to the pep rally being held for them this morning, then make the two hour drive to Northfield, check out the course, and spend Halloween at their lodgings. They'll save the trick or treating for Saturday.
"We just have to run our race. Everybody needs to figure out what their role is." No matter how it all unfolds, what place they achieve, "the sun will come up tomorrow." The memories will be there. The lessons learned. The next challenge awaits.
Cross Country,
High School,
Thursday, October 30, 2014
News: HS; Bersagel; Keflezighi, Sportsmanship, Gophers
Stillwater Gazette AOW is freshman Rana Kraftson, top runner in Section 4AA for the Ponies HERE.
Worthington Daily Globe story on the comeback of the Heron Lake-Okabena team HERE.
Winona Daily News story on Winona HS's Caitlin Domeyer is HERE. Photo album of the 1AA Sectionals is HERE.
Strib story on Rosemount's Alex Berhe is HERE, Chaska's Joey Duerr HERE, Four South Metro standouts HERE, Osseo's Grace Koskela HERE..
Park Rapids Enterprise story on Park Rapids' Isaac Overmyer and MSHSL 8A Sectionals is HERE.
Rochester Post Bulletin State Meet preview is HERE.
New York Times article on Annie Bersagel HERE.
Wall Street Journal feature on Meb Keflezighi is HERE.
Follow up story as Devil's Lake runner's "Good Samaritan" story goes national HERE.
Minnesota Daily preview of this weekend's Big Ten Championships is HERE.
Trinity Aims for the Top
When Trinity at River Ridge won the 4A sectionals packing their top five runners within 33 seconds of each other, taking five of the top ten places, the temptation was to believe that this was the team's best race. Coach Jesse Schoen disagrees. The best performance he's witnessed from his team came in last year's sectional championships.
The circumstances were similar. Trinity had a strong team. Was going for a berth in the MSHSL State XC Championships, but things did not go well. "We had some things that were kind of a let down going into the meet," says Schoen. Five of the top 12 on the team could not compete, yet the team that did run gave it everything that they had, said Schoen. They ended up in a tie for second, but lost the State qualifying spot in the tiebreaker.
"After the race I got a lot of condolences," Schoen said. "The fact that we tied may have been a good thing. Those girls stepped up. It was the most impressive performance I've seen." Inadvertently it showed the team its potential and left that elusive goal of making State an even more inspiring objective.
It demonstrated that you don't win races on paper, you have to perform on the day, even if others think you can't. It showed how adept members of the team were at handling adversity, unexpected setbacks. A life lesson nearly everyone encounters, and that members of the team have overcome. Their top runner, Theresa Mueller, had never run competitively before she transferred from St. Agnes to Trinity in 2012. She had to sit out a year because of MSHSL transfer rules because her family does not live in Eagan.
Mueller didn't let that obstacle get in her way. She's ranked second in the State and has led the team this year. Last year's number one runner, Becca Wilkin, has had a more serious obstacle. This year she was debilitated by a spontaneous pneumothorax. "Spontaneous means the pneumothorax was not caused by an injury such as a rib fracture. Primary spontaneous pneumothorax is likely due to the formation of small sacs of air (blebs) in lung tissue that rupture, causing air to leak into the pleural space. Air in the pleural space creates pressure on the lung and can lead to its collapse. A person with this condition may feel chest pain on the side of the collapsed lung and shortness of breath," according to the Genetics Home Reference site.
Wilkin collapsed, couldn't walk, and was hospitalized. Since the root cause of the condition--i.e. why the blebs form in the lung--is often unknown, there is also the anxiety that it can happen again. But Wilkin has not let the condition or the fear of recurrence inhibit her recovery. "She's really been trying to get back," said Schoen. In a program that prides itself on team members willing to do the summer training necessary to come into the season fit and ready race to the top, Wilkin has only had seven to eight weeks of training to prepare. "She's probably only about 90%," said Schoen.
Instead of being the team's lead runner, Wilkin was their fourth finisher at Sections. How much can one improve in one week? If the team's top five run as well as they did in Sections, Wilkin probably doesn't have to make another jump in performance to hold off challengers, defending Class A girl's champs, Annandale or Lac Qui Parle Valley-Dawson Boyd. It would be a historic landmark for Trinity, who, when Schoen became the coach of the boy's and girl's teams in 2008, didn't even have enough students participating in the sport to field a team. There were two boys and four girls in the program.
Now there are 25 varsity runners for each team, says Schoen. Whether they take home the team trophy or not, says Schoen, the goal going into State is for everybody to give it their all, perform at their best on the day. It's an easy thing to say or concept to grasp where the results come down to execution. It's why champions are not always at the top of the podium, but are no less of a champion than those who are.
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Trinity team with Section 4A trophy |
"After the race I got a lot of condolences," Schoen said. "The fact that we tied may have been a good thing. Those girls stepped up. It was the most impressive performance I've seen." Inadvertently it showed the team its potential and left that elusive goal of making State an even more inspiring objective.
It demonstrated that you don't win races on paper, you have to perform on the day, even if others think you can't. It showed how adept members of the team were at handling adversity, unexpected setbacks. A life lesson nearly everyone encounters, and that members of the team have overcome. Their top runner, Theresa Mueller, had never run competitively before she transferred from St. Agnes to Trinity in 2012. She had to sit out a year because of MSHSL transfer rules because her family does not live in Eagan.
Mueller didn't let that obstacle get in her way. She's ranked second in the State and has led the team this year. Last year's number one runner, Becca Wilkin, has had a more serious obstacle. This year she was debilitated by a spontaneous pneumothorax. "Spontaneous means the pneumothorax was not caused by an injury such as a rib fracture. Primary spontaneous pneumothorax is likely due to the formation of small sacs of air (blebs) in lung tissue that rupture, causing air to leak into the pleural space. Air in the pleural space creates pressure on the lung and can lead to its collapse. A person with this condition may feel chest pain on the side of the collapsed lung and shortness of breath," according to the Genetics Home Reference site.
Wilkin collapsed, couldn't walk, and was hospitalized. Since the root cause of the condition--i.e. why the blebs form in the lung--is often unknown, there is also the anxiety that it can happen again. But Wilkin has not let the condition or the fear of recurrence inhibit her recovery. "She's really been trying to get back," said Schoen. In a program that prides itself on team members willing to do the summer training necessary to come into the season fit and ready race to the top, Wilkin has only had seven to eight weeks of training to prepare. "She's probably only about 90%," said Schoen.
Instead of being the team's lead runner, Wilkin was their fourth finisher at Sections. How much can one improve in one week? If the team's top five run as well as they did in Sections, Wilkin probably doesn't have to make another jump in performance to hold off challengers, defending Class A girl's champs, Annandale or Lac Qui Parle Valley-Dawson Boyd. It would be a historic landmark for Trinity, who, when Schoen became the coach of the boy's and girl's teams in 2008, didn't even have enough students participating in the sport to field a team. There were two boys and four girls in the program.
Now there are 25 varsity runners for each team, says Schoen. Whether they take home the team trophy or not, says Schoen, the goal going into State is for everybody to give it their all, perform at their best on the day. It's an easy thing to say or concept to grasp where the results come down to execution. It's why champions are not always at the top of the podium, but are no less of a champion than those who are.
Cross Country,
High School,
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
News: Gopher Track Petition; MSHSL XC Preview; MIAC XC Previews; NCAA Rankings
Petition to keep the University of Minnesota track on campus is HERE.
MSHSL press release preview of the State Cross Country Meet is HERE.
MIAC Men's XC preview HERE. Women's preview HERE
NCAA DII final rankings HERE. DIII HERE.
MSHSL press release preview of the State Cross Country Meet is HERE.
MIAC Men's XC preview HERE. Women's preview HERE
NCAA DII final rankings HERE. DIII HERE.
Cross Country,
High School,
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
News: NCAA rankings; NSIC Recap and AOW; PP/AOW; Bersagel; Co-ed Sports; XC, Ultimate Team Sport; HS prep for State; Gopher Men's Diets/Tucker Center; Mankato Marathon
NCAA DII regional rankings HERE. DIII final national poll is HERE.
NSIC weekly women's recap and AOW HERE, men's HERE.
Sarah Barker interviews Annie Bersagel prior to this weekend's New York City Marathon HERE.
Highland Park's Micah Mather is Pioneer Press XC AOW HERE.
Sun papers columnist John Sherman makes a pitch for adding co-ed sports HERE.
Worthington Daily Globe columnist Les Knutson's column noting that cross country "may be the ultimate team sport" HERE
Sun Current recap of Richfield and Holy Angels results from Sectionals HERE.
Chaska Herald story on the Holy Angel's boy's team route to State HERE. Hutchinson story HERE.
Sun Current on Eden Prairie girls duo who will be competing at the MSHSL State meet this weekend HERE. Eden Prairie News story on the EP team's experience in the Section 6AA meet is HERE.
Chanhassan Villager story on Anastasia Korzenowski's route to the State Meet HERE.
Lakeshore Weekly News story on the Wayzata sweep of the team titles in 6AA HERE.
Mankato Free Press story on Waseca's goals for Class A MSHSL Meet HERE.
Strib story on Woodbury's Nick Wareham is HERE.
Minnesota Daily article on the diet of the Gopher men's XC team HERE. On the Tucker Center for Research on Girls and Women in Sports is HERE.
10-year-old wins lifetime entry to Mankato Marathon for her video HERE.
NSIC weekly women's recap and AOW HERE, men's HERE.
Sarah Barker interviews Annie Bersagel prior to this weekend's New York City Marathon HERE.
Highland Park's Micah Mather is Pioneer Press XC AOW HERE.
Sun papers columnist John Sherman makes a pitch for adding co-ed sports HERE.
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MSHSL XC Champs program cover |
Sun Current recap of Richfield and Holy Angels results from Sectionals HERE.
Chaska Herald story on the Holy Angel's boy's team route to State HERE. Hutchinson story HERE.
Sun Current on Eden Prairie girls duo who will be competing at the MSHSL State meet this weekend HERE. Eden Prairie News story on the EP team's experience in the Section 6AA meet is HERE.
Chanhassan Villager story on Anastasia Korzenowski's route to the State Meet HERE.
Lakeshore Weekly News story on the Wayzata sweep of the team titles in 6AA HERE.
Mankato Free Press story on Waseca's goals for Class A MSHSL Meet HERE.
Strib story on Woodbury's Nick Wareham is HERE.
Minnesota Daily article on the diet of the Gopher men's XC team HERE. On the Tucker Center for Research on Girls and Women in Sports is HERE.
10-year-old wins lifetime entry to Mankato Marathon for her video HERE.
Annie Bersagel,
Cross Country,
High School,
Monday, October 27, 2014
News: 3A Section Results; Connor Olson/Gophers; Goucher
MSHSL Section 3A results finally across the finish line HERE(boy's) and HERE(girl's). Complete list of Section Results HERE.
Runner's World story on Kara Goucher HERE. Running Times' Five questions HERE.
I'm very excited to announce that I will continue to run cross country/track next year at the University of Minnnesota #GoGophers
— Connor Olson (@connorolsonxc) October 27, 2014
State AA boy's team competition, a replay of the Section 6 race? HERE.Runner's World story on Kara Goucher HERE. Running Times' Five questions HERE.
Cross Country,
High School,
Kara Goucher,
Boy's HS Class AA XC Rankings
Boys AA Cross Country Rankings Minnesota Coaches' Association
Final (released 10/27/2014)
1 Wayzata
2 Hopkins
3 Edina
4 Stillwater
5 Minneapolis Washburn
6 Chaska
7 St. Michael-Albertville
8 Eden Prairie
9 White Bear Lake
10 Shakopee
11 Prior Lake
12 Chanhassen
Other Teams receiving votes: Rosemount
1 Joe Klecker,12 Hopkins
2 Connor Olson,12 Wayzata
3 Joey Duerr,12 Chaska
4 Jaret Carpenter,11 Wayzata
5 Bailey Hesse-Withbro,12 Stillwater
6 Nick Wareham,12 Woodbury
7 Chase Cayo,12 Stma
8 Ian Eklin,12 Wayzata
9 Faysal Mahmoud,12 Burnsville
10 Micah Mather, 11 Highland Park
11 Logan Ramlet,12 Edina
12 Owen Hoeft, 11 Hopkins
Other Athletes receiving votes: Alex Berhe, Rosemount; Ashenafi Hatte, Washington Technology; Justin Hytinnen, Farmington
Final (released 10/27/2014)
1 Wayzata
2 Hopkins
3 Edina
4 Stillwater
5 Minneapolis Washburn
6 Chaska
7 St. Michael-Albertville
8 Eden Prairie
9 White Bear Lake
10 Shakopee
11 Prior Lake
12 Chanhassen
Other Teams receiving votes: Rosemount
1 Joe Klecker,12 Hopkins
2 Connor Olson,12 Wayzata
3 Joey Duerr,12 Chaska
4 Jaret Carpenter,11 Wayzata
5 Bailey Hesse-Withbro,12 Stillwater
6 Nick Wareham,12 Woodbury
7 Chase Cayo,12 Stma
8 Ian Eklin,12 Wayzata
9 Faysal Mahmoud,12 Burnsville
10 Micah Mather, 11 Highland Park
11 Logan Ramlet,12 Edina
12 Owen Hoeft, 11 Hopkins
Other Athletes receiving votes: Alex Berhe, Rosemount; Ashenafi Hatte, Washington Technology; Justin Hytinnen, Farmington
Cross Country,
High School,
Boy's HS Class A XC Rankings
1. Martin
County West
2. Mora
3. Glencoe/Silver Lake
5. Holy Family Catholic
6. Holdingford
7 Waseca
8. Lake
9. Minnehaha Academy
10. St. Cloud Cathedral
11. LaCrescent
1. Shane Streich, 12 Waseca
2. Ephraim Bird, 12 Minnehaha Academy
3. Isaac Overmyer,12 Park Rapids
4.Mike Destache,12 St. Paul Academy
5. Connor Schank,11 Howard Lake/Waverly/W
6. Ben Burgett,12Willmar Community. Christian
7. Zack Emery,10 LaCrescent
8. Billy Bessman, 12 Perham
9. Andrew Zachman, 12 Holdingford
10. Jonah Mayo, 12 MartinCounty West
11. Reed Meicher, 12 Eveleth-Gilbert
12.Tyler Johnson, 12 St. Cloud Cathedral
5. Connor Schank,11 Howard Lake/Waverly/W
6. Ben Burgett,12
7. Zack Emery,10 LaCrescent
8. Billy Bessman, 12 Perham
9. Andrew Zachman, 12 Holdingford
10. Jonah Mayo, 12 Martin
Cross Country,
High School,
Girl's HS Class A XC Rankings
1. Trinity of River Ridge
2. Annandale
3. Lac Qui Parle Valley-DB
4. Perham
5. Waseca
6. St. Paul Academy
7. Dover-Eyota
8. Fairmont
10. Rochester Lourdes
11. Mora
1. Emily Donnay,12 EdenValley-Watkins/K
2. Theresa Mueller,12 Trinity of River Ridge
3.Madison Schandelmeier,10 Luverne Area
4. Beth Stevermer, 9 United South Central
5. Grace Ennis, 10 Trinity of River Ridge
6. Janessa Meulener, 12 Belle Plaine
7. Anna Donnay, 10 Eden Valley-Watkins/K
8. Elizabeth Schlafke, 11Annandale
9. Mary Naas,12 St. Paul Academy
10. Marissa Carlson, 12 Bagley/Fosston
11. Alaysia Freetly, 12 Lac Qui Parle Valley-DB
12. Kailee Kiminski, 12 Esko
4. Beth Stevermer, 9 United South Central
5. Grace Ennis, 10 Trinity of River Ridge
6. Janessa Meulener, 12 Belle Plaine
7. Anna Donnay, 10 Eden Valley-Watkins/K
8. Elizabeth Schlafke, 11
10. Marissa Carlson, 12 Bagley/Fosston
11. Alaysia Freetly, 12 Lac Qui Parle Valley-DB
12. Kailee Kiminski, 12 Esko
Cross Country,
High School,
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Girl's HS Class AA XC Rankings
Final Girl's Class AA Cross
Country Rankings
October 27
October 27
1 Willmar
2 Wayzata
3 Edina
4 Minnetonka
5 East Ridge
6 Forest Lake
7 Eden Prairie
8 Lakeville South
9 Eagan
10 Marshall
11 Bemidji
12 St Michael Albertville
1 Megan Hasz, 11
2 Bethany Hasz, 11
3 Rachel King, 11
4 Anna French, 12
5 Jasmyn Armstrong , 8 Red
6 Emily Covert, 8
Mpls Washburn
7 Tess Misgen, 10 Shakopee
8 Emma Benner, 10 Forest Lake
9 Annika Lerdall, 10 Wayzata
Anastasia Korzenowski, 10 Chanhassen
11 Emma Christensen, 12 Rochester John Marshall
12 Emily Betz, 12 East Ridge
Others receiving votes: Samantha
Hanson, 12, Willmar; Sadie Hamrin, 9, Bemidji; Jenna Truedson, 12, Bemidji; Claire
Boersma, 10, Marshall; Michaela Keller-Miller, 11,
Wayzata; Lauren Peterson, 8, Farmington; Anna Van Wyk, 12, Eagan; Lizzy Heil, 10, St Michael-Albertville
Cross Country,
High School,
Saturday, October 25, 2014
News: HS Results; Goucher
Stillwater Gazette article on boy's win in the 4AA Sectiionals is HERE
Duluth News Tribune on Section 7A HERE.
Perham Focus on Section 8A HERE. Pre-sections story is HERE.
Mankato Free Press on Section 2A HERE. Waseca County News stories are HERE and HERE.
Video of Section 6AA boy's race is HERE
Sun Sailor story on Wayzata's Anna French HERE.
Winona Daily News story on Winona Cotter's Henry Killen is HERE.
Kara Goucher interview HERE.
Cross Country,
High School,
Kara Goucher,
Jack's Twilight Run Photo Album
Jack's Twilight Run
As the sun dipped below the horizon nearly 100 runners took off from the starting line on the Les Bolstad Golf Course for the second twilight version of Jack's Run 6K. As the light diminished, the 69 finishers were led by Team USA Minnesota's Jon Grey, who did his "tempo run" in 18:00.7 far in front of the rest of the field. Course marshalls with day glow sticks lit the way. The lights from the adjacent U of M soccer field and lights strategically placed along the route kept everyone on course.Chanhassen grad, 2014 MSHSL 3200 meter champion, and redshirt freshman at the University of Minnesota, Emily Castanias, led the women finishers in 22:03.4. Five-year-old Kellen Troup was the youngest finisher in 27:27.4. 68-year-old Mary Hiatt was the oldest in 41:21.6. The race was the second in the USATF Minnesota Cross Country Circuit
They're off! Photo by Jim Ferstle |
The middle of the pack is just a blur. Photo by Jim Ferstle |
Jon Grey leads the field. Photo by Jim Ferstle |
Runner-up Max Renner flashes across the finish. Photo by Jim Ferstle |
Emily Castanias is the first female finisher. Photo by Jim Ferstle |
Finishers come out to cheer on the others. Photo by Jim Ferstle |
The runners compare notes on the experience. Photo by Jim Ferstle |
Friday, October 24, 2014
News: More Section Reports; Mike Thorson Invite Results; Bob Waxlax Invitational; EMU Classic
Rochester Post-Bulletin stories on the MSHSL 1A Sectionals are HERE, HERE, and HERE.
Northfield News report on Northfield HS runners in Section 1AA HERE.
Worthington Daily Globe report with partial results on Section 3A is HERE, on Section 2AA is HERE.
Red Wing Republican Eagle report on Section 1AA is HERE. On Section 1A is HERE.
St. Cloud Times story on Section 6A is HERE.
Mike Thorson Invitational results are HERE.
UMD press release on the men is HERE for the women HERE. Full results are HERE(women) and HERE(men).
NSIC Friday XC women's recap is HERE.Men's recap HERE.
Edina grad Will Burke places third at the EMU Classic HERE.
Northfield News report on Northfield HS runners in Section 1AA HERE.
Worthington Daily Globe report with partial results on Section 3A is HERE, on Section 2AA is HERE.
Red Wing Republican Eagle report on Section 1AA is HERE. On Section 1A is HERE.
St. Cloud Times story on Section 6A is HERE.
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Jennifer Agnew wins the women's race at the Mike Thorson Invitational |
Women's @UMDTFCC completes an almost perfect meet at Bob Waxlax Invitational. Taking home another first place victory!
— UMD Athletics (@UMDBulldogs) October 24, 2014
The @UMDTFCC men captured 1st place at the Bob Waxlax CC Invitational in Sauk Rapids, MN, this on the to NSIC Championships!
— UMD Athletics (@UMDBulldogs) October 24, 2014
UMD press release on the men is HERE for the women HERE. Full results are HERE(women) and HERE(men).
NSIC Friday XC women's recap is HERE.Men's recap HERE.
Edina grad Will Burke places third at the EMU Classic HERE.
Cross Country,
High School,
Jennifer Agnew,
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Section Results
Section 1AA results are HERE.
Section 2AA results are HERE(boy's) and HERE(girl's)
Sectiion 3AA results are HERE(boy's and HERE(girl's)
Section 5AA results HERE(boy's) and HERE(girl's)
Section 7AA results are HERE.
Section 8AA results HERE(boy's) and HERE(girl's)
Section 1A results are HERE.
Section 2A results HERE(boy's) and HERE(girls)
Section 3A results HERE(boy's) and HERE(girl's)
Section 4A results HERE.
(4A results for boy's HERE, girl's HERE)
Section 5A results are HERE(boy's) and HERE(girl's)(These download as html files)
Section 6A results HERE(boy's) and HERE(girl's)(results download as Microsoft Excel files)
Section 7A results are HERE.
Section 8A results are HERE(boy's) and HERE(girl's)
Section 1AA results are HERE.
Section 2AA results are HERE(boy's) and HERE(girl's)
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Chaska boy's first, Chaska girl's second in Section 2AA |
Section 5AA results HERE(boy's) and HERE(girl's)
Section 7AA results are HERE.
Section 8AA results HERE(boy's) and HERE(girl's)
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Eagan girls, 3AA champs |
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Eastview girls, 3AA runners up. |
Section 1A results are HERE.
Section 2A results HERE(boy's) and HERE(girls)
Section 3A results HERE(boy's) and HERE(girl's)
Section 4A results HERE.
(4A results for boy's HERE, girl's HERE)
Section 5A results are HERE(boy's) and HERE(girl's)(These download as html files)
Section 6A results HERE(boy's) and HERE(girl's)(results download as Microsoft Excel files)
Section 7A results are HERE.
Section 8A results are HERE(boy's) and HERE(girl's)
Cross Country,
High School,
News: RT Rankings; Mike Thorson Invite; Jack's Twilight Run; HS News; Bersagel,
Running Times HS rankings for girl's teams HERE, boy's HERE.
U-Mary meet named for coach Mike Thorson HERE.
Minnesota Daily story on Jack's Twilight Run HERE.
Stillwater Gazette report on the boy's team winning the SEC championship. Eli Krahn out with a stress reaction HERE.
Northfield News on Northfield HS runners' preparation for Sectionals HERE.
Sun Sailor story on Wayzata girl's Lake Conference title HERE.
Lakeshore Weekly News on Wayzata sweep of team titles at Lake Conference meet HERE. Channel 12 video of the Section 6AA boy's and girl's races HERE.
Sun Sailor story on the Hopkins girl's team HERE. Boy's team HERE.
Worthington Daily Globe Sectional previews HERE.
Shakopee Daily News Sectional preview HERE.
Chaska Herald story on SW Christian HS's soccer player/XC runner Jake Pettit is HERE.
Norwegian video interview with Annie Bersagel about her upcoming run in the New York City Marathon HERE. It's in Norwegian, so have your translator ready.
U-Mary meet named for coach Mike Thorson HERE.
Minnesota Daily story on Jack's Twilight Run HERE.
Stillwater Gazette report on the boy's team winning the SEC championship. Eli Krahn out with a stress reaction HERE.
Northfield News on Northfield HS runners' preparation for Sectionals HERE.
Sun Sailor story on Wayzata girl's Lake Conference title HERE.
Lakeshore Weekly News on Wayzata sweep of team titles at Lake Conference meet HERE. Channel 12 video of the Section 6AA boy's and girl's races HERE.
Sun Sailor story on the Hopkins girl's team HERE. Boy's team HERE.
Worthington Daily Globe Sectional previews HERE.
Shakopee Daily News Sectional preview HERE.
Chaska Herald story on SW Christian HS's soccer player/XC runner Jake Pettit is HERE.
Norwegian video interview with Annie Bersagel about her upcoming run in the New York City Marathon HERE. It's in Norwegian, so have your translator ready.
Annie Bersagel,
Cross Country,
High School,
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
News: HS Section Results; NCAA DII, DIII rankings
MSHSL 4AA section results HERE(girl's) and HERE(boy's)
MSHSL 6AA Section results HERE(boy's) and HERE(girl's)
NCAA DIII national rankings HERE. DII rankings HERE.
Joe Klecker wins boy's 6AA title. |
Anna French wins the women's 6AA title |
Cross Country,
High School,
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
News NCAA Rankings; NSIC AOW/Recap; MIAC AOW; UMAC AOW; Ferlic; HS & College Results; PP AOW; Nofziger; Smock; Mankato Marathon
NCAA DI national rankings HERE. DII regional rankings HERE. DIII regional rankings HERE.
NSIC Athlete of the Week and weekly recap for women is HERE. For men HERE.
MIAC Athletes of the Week for men HERE, women HERE.
Mason Ferlic selected Big Ten Athlete of the Week for third time this season HERE.
St. Bonifacius Invitational results are HERE
Lefty Wright Grade Level Championships are HERE(Junior and Senior boy's), HERE(J&S girl's); HERE(Soph boy's), HERE(Soph and freshman girl's); HERE(Freshman boy's).
Pioneer Press Athletes of the Week Mahtomedi's Caitlin McGauley and Highland Park's Erin Moen HERE.
Strib story on Tartan's Sam Nofziger HERE.
Amanda Smock reviews the 2014 season HERE.
Mankato Marathon went on despite bomb threats HERE.
UMD's Emi Trost, NSIC women's AOW |
MIAC Athletes of the Week for men HERE, women HERE.
Mason Ferlic selected Big Ten Athlete of the Week for third time this season HERE.
St. Bonifacius Invitational results are HERE
Lefty Wright Grade Level Championships are HERE(Junior and Senior boy's), HERE(J&S girl's); HERE(Soph boy's), HERE(Soph and freshman girl's); HERE(Freshman boy's).
Pioneer Press Athletes of the Week Mahtomedi's Caitlin McGauley and Highland Park's Erin Moen HERE.
Strib story on Tartan's Sam Nofziger HERE.
Amanda Smock reviews the 2014 season HERE.
Mankato Marathon went on despite bomb threats HERE.
Amanda Smock,
Big 10,
Cross Country,
High School,
Mason Ferlic,
Monday, October 20, 2014
News: NCAA Rankings, AOW; Gophers, HS rankings; George Labelle
FloTrack NCAA DI men's individual rankings HERE. DII women's individual rankings HERE. DIII women's individual rankings HERE. DIII men's individual rankings HERE. DIII men's team rankings HERE. Women's DII team rankings HERE.
Minnesota Daily report on the Gopher men and women at the Wisconsin adidas Invitational HERE.
MileSplit HS boy's teams rankings HERE
George LaBelle obit is HERE. Archived story on LaBelle HERE.
athlete of the week,
Cross Country,
High School,
Boy's HS Class AA XC Rankings
Boy's AA Cross Country Rankings Minnesota Coaches' Association
Week 8 (released 10/20/2014)
1 Wayzata
2 Hopkins
3 Stillwater
4 Edina
5 Minneapolis Washburn
6 Eden Prairie
7 White Bear Lake
8 Chaska
9 Chanhassen
10 St. Michael-Albertville
11 Shakopee
12 Robbinsdale Armstrong
Other Teams receiving votes: Rosemount, Woodbury
1 Connor Olson, Wayzata
2 Joe Klecker, Hopkins
3 Ian Eklin, Wayzata
4 Nick Wareham, Woodbury
5 Joey Duerr, Chaska
6 Jaret Carpenter, Wayzata
7 Micah Mather, Highland Park
8 Faysal Mahmoud, Burnsville
9 Chase Cayo, Stma
10 Owen Hoeft, Hopkins
11 Alex Berhe, Rosemount
12 Ashenafi Hatte, Washington Technology
Other Athletes receiving votes: Bailey Hesse-Withbro, Stillwater; Sam Thomas, Edina
Week 8 (released 10/20/2014)
1 Wayzata
2 Hopkins
3 Stillwater
4 Edina
5 Minneapolis Washburn
6 Eden Prairie
7 White Bear Lake
8 Chaska
9 Chanhassen
10 St. Michael-Albertville
11 Shakopee
12 Robbinsdale Armstrong
Other Teams receiving votes: Rosemount, Woodbury
1 Connor Olson, Wayzata
2 Joe Klecker, Hopkins
3 Ian Eklin, Wayzata
4 Nick Wareham, Woodbury
5 Joey Duerr, Chaska
6 Jaret Carpenter, Wayzata
7 Micah Mather, Highland Park
8 Faysal Mahmoud, Burnsville
9 Chase Cayo, Stma
10 Owen Hoeft, Hopkins
11 Alex Berhe, Rosemount
12 Ashenafi Hatte, Washington Technology
Other Athletes receiving votes: Bailey Hesse-Withbro, Stillwater; Sam Thomas, Edina
Cross Country,
High School,
Girl's HS Class AA XC Rankings
1 Willmar
2 Wayzata
3 Edina
4 Minnetonka
5 Forest Lake
6 Eden Prairie
7 East Ridge
8 Lakeville South
9 Eagan
10 Marshall
11 Bemidji
12 Chaska
Others receiving votes: Moorhead , St Michael Albertville, Duluth
East, Totino Grace
1 Megan Hasz, 11
2 Bethany Hasz, 11
3 Jenna Truedson, 12Bemidji
3 Jenna Truedson, 12
4 Rachel King, 11
5 Emily Covert, 8
Mpls Washburn
6 Anna French, 12
7 Jasmyn Armstrong , 8 Red
8 Tess Misgen, 10 Shakopee
9 Emma Benner, 10 Forest
Annika Lerdall, 10 Wayzata
11 Anastasia Korzenowski, 10 Chanhassen
12 Lizzy Heil, 10 St
Others receiving votes: Claire Boersma,
10 Marshall; Emily Betz, 12 East Ridge; Maria Berg, 11 New Prague; Hannah Oscarson, 11, Mpls Washburn;
Michaela Keller-Miller, 11 Wayzata;
Lauren Peterson, 8 Farmington; Anna Van Wyk, 12 Eagan
Cross Country,
High School,
Sunday, October 19, 2014
News: Mankato Marathon; Blankenship; Pennel;
Mankato Marathon weekend results for 10K, half marathon, and marathon are HERE. 5K results are HERE.
Ben Blankenship to run in the Kansas Road Mile on November 9, 2014 HERE.
Ben Blankenship to run in the Kansas Road Mile on November 9, 2014 HERE.
Oregon Track Club member @benfblankenship has confirmed running the new @KansasRoadMile event! Ben has a road mile PR of 3:52.7! @themile
— GoRun Wichita (@GoRunWichita) October 19, 2014
Interview with Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon 2014 men's champion Tyler Pennel HERE
Boy's HS Class A XC Rankings
October 20
1. Martin County West
2. Glencoe/Silver Lake .
3. Holy Family Catholic
4. Perham
5. Mora
6. Waseca
7 Holdingford
8. Lake City
9. Minnehaha Academy
10. LaCrescent
11. St. Cloud Cathedral
12 Jordan
1. Shane Streich,12, Waseca
2. Ephraim Bird , 12, Minnehaha Academy
3. Isaac Overmyer,12, Park Rapids
4. Evan Ferlic,12, Mound Park Academy
5. Connor Schank,11, Howard Lake/Waverly/W
6. Andrew Zachman,12, Holdingford
7. Mike Destache,12, St. Paul Academy
8. Zack Emery,10, LaCrescent
9. Billy Bessman,12, Perham
10. Ben Burgett,12, Willmar Community Christian
11. Jonah Mayo,12, Martin County West
12. Reed Melicher,12, Eveleth-Gilbert
1. Shane Streich,12, Waseca
2. Ephraim Bird , 12, Minnehaha Academy
3. Isaac Overmyer,12, Park Rapids
4. Evan Ferlic,12, Mound Park Academy
5. Connor Schank,11, Howard Lake/Waverly/W
6. Andrew Zachman,12, Holdingford
7. Mike Destache,12, St. Paul Academy
8. Zack Emery,10, LaCrescent
9. Billy Bessman,12, Perham
10. Ben Burgett,12, Willmar Community Christian
11. Jonah Mayo,12, Martin County West
12. Reed Melicher,12, Eveleth-Gilbert
Cross Country,
High School,
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