DtB: Why Stanford?
AG: Why Stanford?- because the diversity here is incredibly humbling. I have a roomate whose parents are Korean immigrants and another roomate who contends nationally in quiz bowl. I love that we are not restricted to rooming with athletes and after attending a very homogeneous high school it is fantastic to belong to an instiution which grabs hold of differentation and where
everyone wants to succeed and do great things.
DtB: In the Stanford athletic bios your academic major is listed as undeclared. Do you have a particular academic interest?
AG: I'm meddling in premed, looking at becoming a physical therapist in sports medicine. Back home I have worked two summers at a clinic in Sports Medicine and absolutely loved it. I don't want to be a trainer. I want to work in an office where I can see a variety of ages and conditions.
DtB: In an interview after the race you were asked about running the 5 and 10K on the track. You said that you thought you got better as the distance got longer.
AG: Longer races and workouts have never daunted me. I have always reveled in good long
runs and I love the challenge and a hard long race where you are putting your full foot in. It is hard for me also to get the thrill of racing in shorter distances because it is over so quickly- I like
having time to make adjustments on the course and feel the swaying energies of opponents.
DtB: Any thoughts about trying the marathon?
AG: Marathons are a long way off- not until after college and maybe even not until I am much older.
DtB: You're on the team for a trip to Scotland. Have you traveled abroad before?
AG: I have already been to the UK and Scotland for a soccer tour during highschool. Our coach
was from England and he had the connections for us to play club teams and see some pro games. It was fantastic and as we traveled around in a double decker my soccer teamates and I couldn't help but grin at the rolling green hills- I can't wait to go back and experience the culture there again!
Photo Courtesy of Stanford University
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