First, we learned that former Minnetonka star Will Leer, who graduated from Pomona-Pitzer Colleges last spring, ran 3:59.83 to win the mile at the University of Washington's Indoor Preview meet last weekend. Leer is now training in Eugene with the Oregon Track Club.
You can watch his race, HERE, on Paul Merca's web-site.
Second, fellow OTC-er Cack Ferrell, a St. Paul Academy and Summit School alum, also raced around Seattle's big oval last weekend. She won the 3000m in 9:13.58 and was 5th in the mile at 4:43.12.
Results from the entire meet can be found HERE.
Finally, Duluth native Kara Goucher was also spotted in the Emerald City recently. As she reports on her Nike blog, the Portland-based star was there testing her indoor legs after recent surgery to repair torn cartilage in her knee.
"I had an indoor season planned and it looked like it might not happen due to the surgery, but now I am thinking its back on again," she said. "I went to Seattle this weekend to run on the indoor track at the University of Washington and test it out. The workout went great and although I’m not as ready as if I hadn’t had this interruption, I still think I can get out there and run some good races."
"I love racing, I love pushing myself," she continued. "Even though the preparation hasn’t been perfect, it doesn’t change the fact that I want to get out there and test myself! Racing is the fun part; it’s the reward of all the hard work. It’s the perfect time of year to do something enjoyable and different before the long buildup that will come in a couple of months. I am willing to go in less than 100% ready because it’s going to be so much fun."
Photo courtesy of Pomona-Pitzer Colleges.
Hey Charlie--
Thanks for the plug!
No problem, Paul ...
Until I open the DtB bureau in Seattle, you're probably my best eyes and ears!
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