Wednesday, December 26, 2007
A Quiet Christmas with the Fulkrods
It's a touching holiday story about the challenges and blessing the couple has seen in recent years.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Happy Holidays and Thank You from DtB!
We at Down the Backstretch are. It's been an exciting first year for us covering running and track and field in Minnesota on a daily basis. We've been impressed and heartened at every turn by the following our little web-site has gained. On behalf of everyone here who has helped bring the latest running and track news to you, THANK YOU for joining us!
I'd like to offer my own sincerest thanks to everyone who has contributed or commented to DtB. Special thanks go to Pete Miller, who has been involved in the web-site from the beginning and always has something wise to say about it. Also worthy of specific acknowledgement are our most regular contributors Chris Marshall, Chad Austin, and photographers Gene Niemi and Sean Hartnett. I appreciate every ounce of effort they've offered to DtB this year!
We're going to take the next two weeks off for the holiday -- mostly. (If important news breaks between now and early January -- and we're not deep in the woods on our skis -- we'll break into the holiday and let you know.) Mainly, though, we'll try to appreciate the joy and peace of the season and let the slumbering track world take care of itself for a spell.
When we're back again for real in 2008, you can expect some exciting changes to Down the Backstretch ... as well as all the things we hope you've come to appreciate from us.
Happy Holidays and Thank You!
Gopher Women's Track Ranked #15

The U.S. Cross Country and Track and Field Coaches Association pre-season poll ranks the defending Big 10 indoor champions as the third-best team in the conference, behind #4 Michigan and #12 Penn State.
LSU tops the poll followed by Arizona State and Tennessee.
Florida State tops the men's poll followed by Washington and Tennessee. Defending Big 10 indoor and outdoor champs Wisconsin is the only ranked conference men's team -- at #15.
Full rankings are HERE.
The Gopher teams open the 2008 season at home with the Northwest Open at the University Fieldhouse.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
The 2:19 Standard and USATF-Mn's Concerns

DtB noticed in the minutes of the December USATF-Minnesota monthly meeting that treasurer Chris Kartschoke, the former Men's Long Distance Running chairman for the state, was eager to work toward rolling back the new standard.
We traded e-mail with Kartschoke recently to get his take on the situation ...
DtB: Did you know a change to the Men's Olympic Marathon Trials standard was coming?
Kartschoke: I had no idea that a change was even being proposed. From my perspective, it was disappointing that the change was made when the annual convention was in Hawaii, being that many delegates who typically go to the convention did not go because of the prohibitively high cost of travel.
DtB: What was your initial reaction to the changed Trials standard?
Kartschoke: When I found out about the change, I was pretty disappointed. My philosophy is that the association is in place for two purposes: 1. To develop Olympic level athletes 2. To develop the sport. I do not think that this change will have any impact on the association's ability to develop Olympic level athletes, good or bad. I do believe that it will be detrimental to the development of track and field in this country. Two years ago, I spoke with Craig Masback, and I actually suggested lowering the standard to possibly 2:30.
DtB: How did you see a 2:30 standard helping the situation?
Kartschoke: My thought was that a slightly slower standard would encourage more people to actively try to qualify. It would also promote the sport. For example, a guy from Thief River Falls who runs a 2:28 could be portrayed by his local media as being their local "Olympic Hopeful". This would only provide the sport with more positive publicity. Finally, the actual trials race could be more of an event with more participants. Glenn Latimer [USATF National Men's LDR Chairman] wants only ~65 athletes participating in the trials. My thinking is similar to the women's position on the trials which is to encourage participation. The more people that are actually in the race, the more it is an event. I am not advocating that USATF pay for any of these individuals, so the incremental cost would be non-material for the association. On balance, I firmly believe that more participants is better for the event and the sport.
DtB: How do you think the new standard will affect men's distance running in Minnesota?
Kartschoke: I think that the new standard could have a detrimental effect on distance running in MN. It is not a foregone conclusion that it will be negatively impactful, but I would guess that we have a number of individuals who were right on the cusp of qualifying with the standard being 2:22. For those guys, qualifying for the Trials would be a lifelong achievement; it would be their Olympics. That was probably a significant motivator for them to do more in pursuit of that dream. The gap between 2:22 and 2:19 is a large one. I have spoken with a couple of people already who thought that 2:22 was achievable with great preparations followed by a great race, but those same people do not think that they could hit the 2:19 standard under any circumstances.
DtB: Is there anything you and USATF - Minnesota might be able to do change the standards back to what they've been previously?
Kartschoke: USATF MN is beginning the process of exploring how to change the standard. Our entire board believes that the wrong decision was made, in this case. We are lucky to have an attorney (Dave Coyne) on the board who is respected and active at the national level. He should be able to help us weed through the red tape. We also have committed members of the LDR committee, who can help effect a change. I would encourage other associations and individuals who would like to see the standard changed to contact our association. The more support we have for a change, the more effective our efforts can be
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Nicole Cueno: " ... I have never felt so competitive at the end of a marathon."
DtB contributor Chad Austin -- check out his own web-sites HERE and HERE -- interviewed Cueno about her big run ...
DtB: First off, congrats on your Olympic Trials qualifier at the California International Marathon (CIM). How were the conditions and the course?
Cueno: The temperature was perfect (cool at the start and stayed cool throughout the race) but there was a fair bit of wind. I tried to be strategic about staying with a group because I knew there was often a headwind on this course. I was part of a great pack for over the first half of the race and we traded leads a bit so none of us fatigued too much with the wind. I, and two other women, led the pack the majority of the time but I got a few of the guys to step up a couple times (Did they really think they could stay tucked in with a group of women trying to qualify and not pull their own weight? :) Pack running also helped even me out a bit on the hills which were not huge but more substantial than what most of my training was on.
DtB: Did you have any other goals besides qualifying for the Trials?
Cueno: Qualifying for the Trials was the main goal. I felt that, with good conditions, my training might allow me to drop lower than the qualifying standard but I did not want to focus on that. With poor conditions in a marathon, one just never knows. I wanted to go in to the marathon with that one clear goal and have training that could get me there even if the conditions were not ideal.
DtB: You were able to run negative splits. Was that your race plan going in or did you just feel great during the second half?
Cueno: That was not the race plan but it could not have felt better. The race plan was to be as even as possible. I went through the half in 1:22:20 with another woman, Sara Donahue. She and I were running together really well and we decided we’d try to maintain 6:15s, 6:18s through mile 18. We went slightly faster than that. At mile 17, a spectator told us that we were in 6th and 7th. That made me so excited but I knew I should still hold back. Sara and I stayed together through 20 and then I started calculating; I knew the women I could see were over a minute ahead of me. I knew that meant that I couldn’t wait any longer and yes, I was feeling great. Mile 22 was sub-6 which freaked me out a bit so I stopped looking at my splits. I kept taking them though and when I looked at them after the race, I realized my last four miles were the fastest of the race. I really have no explanation for it other than I have never felt so competitive at the end of a marathon. It was an incredible feeling that I’m quite sure I will never forget.
DtB: At what point did you know you had 2:47 wrapped up?
Cueno: I said it before, but you just never know what’s going to happen. I think somewhere between mile 17 and mile 20, I felt so confident in making the standard that I stopped thinking about it and started focusing on competing.
DtB: Given that the Minnesota racing season basically ended two months ago, how were you able to tune up for CIM?
Cueno: The City of Lakes 25k was a good jumping off point for my training. It reassured me that I hadn’t lost too much fitness in my recovery from Grandma’s and it motivated me to get back in to tough training (and the weather was beautiful this year). I did a half marathon in Kansas City, MO in mid-October and then a 5k two weeks out. Other than that, I just focused on my own workouts and training progression.
DtB: Granted, conditions were less than ideal at Grandma’s this year, however, you still PR’d with a 2:52. Now, just six months later you sliced another 10 minutes from your PR. What changes have you made to your training that have led to such a large jump in fitness?
Cueno: I can’t give away all my secrets can I? I can say that I trained harder than I’ve ever trained before but I was also very deliberate about getting the most out of the miles I was logging (i.e. eliminating junk miles). I never even hit 80mpw because I was having some backside/hamstring issues that seemed irritated by too much running. When I was topping out in the 75mpw range, however, I was doing three, intense workouts/week and getting in 3-4 hours of additional cross-training.
After Grandma’s I was not entirely certain where my training might go. I knew I would be working full-time at the YWCA of Minneapolis and also trying to complete my master’s internship and thesis. I was able to do all of that (my successful thesis defense was five days before the marathon! – maybe it was the relief that carried me through -- : ) ) and train hard in part because of the supportive environment and people at the YWCA. Throughout this most recent last training period, there has been a great group of people, led by Paul Johnson, working to develop the YWCA Endurance Sports (YES!) program. I feel very strongly that the underlying excitement about having the opportunity to be involved in program development that combines my personal and career passions (health and fitness as empowerment; the YW’s mission is to “empower women and eliminate racism” ) added to my motivation for training. I was also, in a very explicit way, encompassed by people who truly understood what I was working toward. I don’t think many runners get that kind of understanding from their jobs, co-workers, or often even friends and family. I felt supported in so many ways that I know that had a hugely positive impact on my training.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Rains Soaring into 2008 Indoor Season

We’ll admit that we did.
On December 8, 2007, inside the facility that will host the 2008 NCAA Division II Indoor Championships -- Minnesota State – Mankato’s Myer's Field House – the young season got off to a soaring start.
There, defending Division II women’s pole vault champ Katelin Rains (pictured) of Mankato broke her own D2 all-time best in the event by vaulting 14-0 1/2. Finishing second was Division II outdoor champion Jennifer Hensel of Moorhead State who cleared 12-3 1/2.
You can find full results HERE.
Another national champ in action was Bemidji State’s Sheena Devine. The defending D2 indoor and outdoor champ in the shot put opened her season with a 47-8 1/2 toss. Devine also won the weight throw at 51-1 3/4.
Look for Rains will be back in action on January 4 at the Reno Pole Vault Summit.
We’ll try not to miss that meet!
Monday, December 17, 2007
Marie Sample: "Go 36. You're going to qualify!"
Below, we've posted a short interview DtB did with the recent Olympic Marathon Trials qualifier after her 2:45:58 PR at the Cal International Marathon. Over on Running Minnesota, Chad Austin's fine site, there's another interview with the Marshall resident -- and photo to boot!
Here's Sample's story of her PR run in Sacramento and the long road that got her there ...
DtB: How did the race play out for you? Were you on pace and feeling strong throughout?
Sample: I had planned to run a very consistent and conservative 6:18 to 6:20 pace per mile with hopes of feeling well enough at mile 20 or so to pick it up a bit and make a little room to spare. Turns out there was a pretty decent headwind though a large part of the race - middle mostly. There were about 25 women there trying to qualify and I knew some of them were going to go out harder than I wanted to. We basically formed 2 packs from the start. I was in the second pack until all of them dropped off. I could always see the lead pack of women but by mile 10 I found myself alone and bucking a headwind. They were too far in front to try to catch so I decided just to go it on my own with the same game plan.
At mile 15, I was feeling kind of tough and little tired. We had just come out of a pretty hilly first 15 miles. I slammed 2 power gels and drank as much Ultima as I could keep down without shooting it back out and kept moving forward. At mile 18 I was a new person. I felt awesome and ready to start picking up the pace. I could still see the lead pack and even better, I could see them coming back to me. Some of them were walking along the road and some were just stopping in front of me calling it quits. I knew I was still right on pace. At mile 20 I was starting to catch and blow by people. I had a nice rhythm and a whole lot of confidence at that point.
With a 5K to go, there was a guy that yelled to me, "You have to run a 20 minute 5K to qualify". I knew I could do that so I just kept running. People were yelling, "Go 36. You're going to qualify. You look so strong." At 2 miles to go I knew I had the qualifier. I felt so good and I was reeling people in. My sister, her husband, her 2 girls, my 3 daughters, and my mother in law were all on the route with about 6 blocks to run. I could hear them above the crowds of people. It was so nice to hear them. My husband and Father-in-Law were following the course on bikes after about mile 10 - where the chickens and roosters were on the course. The finish was a 3 block horse shoe with 2 left turns. The first turn took me to the final turn where I expected to see 2:45 something. Sure enough, that is what I saw. When I saw it, the tears were already flowing. It was a dream that I had had for 4 years.
DtB: If I remember correctly, you had a bunch of close-misses in attempting to qualify for the Trails in 2004. What has changed since then?
Sample: I had missed qualifying 2 times in 2003. I ran a 2:48.14 in Minneapolis and then 8 weeks later I ran the same time in Tuscon Arizona. The difference is, I had only logged 66 miles as my highest weekly mileage before running those marathons. I had logged many more miles for this race. I had 5 X 100 mile weeks, more track workouts (mostly mile repeats at 5:20 to 5:30 pace), 10 to 15 mile hill runs at Camden State Park located about 12 miles from here, days where I run 10 miles at 4am before going to work and then another 10 miles at 11:30am after getting home from work, and occasional naps. I am the lightest and fittest I have ever been in my life.
DtB: You live in Marshall, I see. Are there special challenges to training there. I'm guessing training partners, competition, calm weather are harder to come by there than, say, in the Twin Cities.
Sample: I have nobody to train with here. The next fastest person in town is my husband Dave and when I am running, he has child watch duty at our house. We have a lot of wind here but no hills. I have to leave town to get hills. The wind can be helpful because it adds and extra challenge to my workouts. I learn to try to hold pace even when I am bucking a headwind. I don't have an indoor track to do speed work on this winter to train for the trials and the outdoor track is already covered with snow. I will have to get creative and also use the treadmill some for speed training.
DtB: What's your goal for the Olympic Trials?
Sample: I have never run this many miles in my entire life. I am the lightest and most fit I have ever been in my life. I am the strongest and most determined to improve that I have ever been. I have another 3 months that I can run high miles and continue to work on physical strength and speed. I have a lot of faith that I can continue to improve before the trials and also afterwards. I would realistically like to run a lower 2:40 to a 2:42 at the trials. I think I could have run faster than a 2:45:58 in Sacramento but that wasn't my goal. We'll see what training brings and how well I will be able to get in speed workouts over the winter. It is going to be a lot of fun just seeing what I can do. The sky is the limit when you dare to dream and work harder than you ever thought you could.
Meet Amy Drifka, TCM's New President

Drifka (pictured), a varsity runner at Stevens Point Pacelli High School and UW - Eau Claire, was recognized in 2007 as one of the top forty business professionals under forty ("40 under Forty") in Minnesota in the Twin Cities Business Journal for her work at Capella University and with Twin Cities Marathon, Inc.
Down the Backstretch talked to Drifka recently about her event and her new position ...
DtB: What got you involved with Twin Cities Marathon in the first place?
Drifka: I have been a runner for almost twenty five years and it has done so much for me throughout my life. I wanted to find a way to give back to the running community and found that the marathon's mission was aligned with what I found important. I am thrilled to be part of this organization and am very proud of how many runner's lives we have been able to touch over the years.
DtB: What do you see as the major challenges for the event in the coming years?
Drifka: I think it is to continue to put on the same caliber event that we have but to also look for opportunities to continue to give more to the runners.
DtB: Are there specific changes or improvements to the event that you'd like to see made?
Drifka: I think the marathon is a great event but there are always improvements that can be made. I'd like to continue to look for more opportunities for the kids to run and be active throughout the year. In addition, we have a high demand for the ten mile race, so I"d like to see what other opportunities for additional individuals to run our races.
DtB: What do you think makes the event special?
Drifka: I think the volunteers and the spectators make this event so special. We have so many volunteers that work all year round and they do an amazing job of making each person's experience very special.
DtB: There was discussion recently on Down the Backstretch about whether the event should move its date later into the fall to make better weather more likely. Is such a thing likely to be considered?
Drifka: When we selected the timing of the marathon, the marathon did a lot of research on the appropriate timing for the Twin Cities based on the timing of other marathons in the area and the average weather temperatures. We still believe that the timing is the right time of year for the marathon and we intend on continuing the tradition of the first Sunday of October.
DtB: Is there anything you especially want people to know about you, your event, and its future?
Drifka: I would just add that I think this is an amazing set of events and I am very proud to be part of this organization and am excited to give back to the running community.
Photo courtesy of Twin Cities Marathon.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Bill Andberg, Anoka's Gray Ghost, Dead at 96
Andberg was a member of the Minnesota Track and Field Hall of Fame as well as the USA Track and Field Masters Hall of Fame. Among his exploits after taking up running at age 55 was a world age-best 18:33 5K as a 65-year-old.
The Star-Tribune has a nice story about Andberg HERE.
A memorial service for Andberg will be held Sunday at 3 p.m. at the First Unitarian Society of Minneapolis, 900 Mount Curve Avenue, Minneapolis.
At Loose Ends: A Friday Wrap-Up
Marks Earns Grant ... USA triple jump champion Shani Marks was awarded an Elite Athlete Development Grant by the USA Track & Field Foundation. The Elite Athlete Grant Program contributes to the pursuit of world-class performances by American post-collegiate track and field athletes.
Marks, a University of Minnesota alum, is the two-time defending USA Outdoor champion in the triple jump. She also won USA Indoor titles in 2005 and 2007.
Gophers Honor Their Stars ... The Gopher men's and women's cross country teams each named co-MVPs to honor their teams' top runners. Hassan Mead and Chris Rombough shared men's MVP honors in winning the Fred Watson Award. Jamie Cheever and Ladia Albertson-Junkans shared the MVP award for the Gopher women.
USATF-Minnesota Names Athletes of the Month ... USA Track and Field Minnesota named the Wayzata Boys Cross Country Team and the University of Wisconsin's Hanna Grinaker its Atheltes of the Month for December.
Wayzata was recognized for winning the MSHSL Class AA State title, the Nike Team Nationals Heartland Regional crown, and for finishing 20th at the Nike Team National meet. Grinaker, a Detroit Lakes native, was honored for being the top-finishing Minnesotan at the NCAA Division I Cross Country Championships where she finished 25th.
Des Moines to Host 2010 USAs ... There's yet another track and field reason to make a road-trip to Iowa. Drake University, annually the home of the Drake Relays and the host of the 2008 NCAA Division I Outdoor Championships, was awarded the 2010 USA Outdoor Championships.
It was a consolation prize of sorts as the University of Oregon won the rights to the 2009 and 2011 USAs (World Championships qualifying years) as well as the 2012 Olympic Track and Field Trials. Eugene, of course, will also host the 2008 Trials.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Team USA Adds Mandi Zemba to Roster
DtB spoke with Zemba recently to get to know Minnesota's newest star.
DtB: Tell us a bit about how you got involved in running and where your career has taken you so far. I understand you were a swimmer for many years?
Zemba: I did start out swimming at the age of six and swam for the YMCA team all the way through my junior year of high school. I really didn't get "serious" about running until my sophomore year of high school after I had some success in track my freshman year. I was lucky enough to receive a running scholarship to Grand Valley State University and really start training. I ended up winning a national championship my freshman year in track, then had some injuries and set backs, and continued to progress my training to end up with eight national titles.
DtB: You're a graduate of Grand Valley State in Michigan, a Division II school. What worked well for you there, do you think, that led to all of your success?
Zemba: In high school, I really didn't know what training was so college was a big step up for me and I don't think I could have picked a better place to go. It allowed me to slowly progress my training and increase my miles throughout the six years I was there. We focused a lot on strength, like hills, tempos, and good long run, as well as making sure we were recovered after hard workouts. Jerry Baltes is a great coach who always produces good results. He has taught me a lot about running and stuck with me through the bad years. I don't think I would be where I am at if I hadn't gone to Grand Valley and I thank God everyday that I went there.
DtB: Your compeitive career seemed to really take off after the birth of your son Zac. How do you account for that?
Zemba: Before I had Zac I was going through some struggles with injuries and other personal things and having Zac was God's blessing in disguise. I was able to focus more on what was most important in my life and not take anything for granted. I felt like Grand Valley and Jerry gave me a second chance and I wanted to make the most out of it. I never thought it would take me this far, but very happy it did and I love being a mom.
DtB: What events do you intend to focus on in 2008? How about longer term?
Zemba: I will probably focus on the 5k, but I want to try to get a qualifier in the 10k this spring as well. I have never done a 10k on the track before so it will be interesting to see what I can do and we all think the 10k will be my main focus in the years to come as well as longer road races. The marathon is still just a thought.
DtB: Is there anything else you'd like folks in your new home to know about you as a runner or a person?
Zemba: My family and I are excited to be here, and are looking forward to spring :) We have loved being here so far and would like to thank Pat, the team, and the Minnesotans for welcoming us so well. I look forward to many years of good training in Minnesota!
Photo by Victor Sailer, courtesy of Team USA Minnesota.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Ponies' Christensen to Coach World Cross Team
Christensen (pictured) learned of the appointment at the USA Track and Field Convention in Honolulu, Hawaii recently.
"As expected I was elated," he told DtB. "I have traveled about 50 some times for USATF over the years: schools, summits, national championships, camps, the national conventions. I have been very fortunate for a high school coach to have been able to do as much as I have. However, this is a trip that I have really been looking forward to.”
Christensen coached the Junior Men's team at the 2003 World Cross Country Championships held near Lausanne, Switzerland.
"Protocol says that one must be a Junior Coach before a Senior Coach," Christensen explained, "so I have been hoping! In 2003 when we went to Switzerland, the war in Iraq was only about 3 weeks old so security was a nightmare. Fortunately, it was Switzerland. I am hoping for a less hectic trip this time.”
At Edinburgh, four separate USA teams will compete. Christensen's senior men's team of nine runners will race over 12K; a senior women's squad of six runners will compete over 8K. Junior men's and women's squads of six runners each will compete over 8K and 6K distances, respectively.
Last year, the USA's senior men's team that included Minnesotans Matt Gabrielson and Marty Rosendahl finished 11th at the meet, held in sticky Mombasa, Kenya..
"The IAAF has eliminated the short course [as of last year] and will only have the 4 total races," Christensen said. "Each year there are around 40-50 countries that send runners to the World CC Championships. 50% of the time the meet is in Europe, the rest of the time it is spread throughout the world.”
In 2009 the event will be held in Amman, Jordan.
Athletes will select themselves for World Cross at the USA Cross Country Championships in San Diego on February 16.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Letter from Club Cross: RNF 23rd at USATF XC

The former Hamline University star offers the full scoop below ...
"I traveled to watch the National Meet in Ohio last year so, I knew the layout of Voice of America Park and the high possibility for awful conditions. The week leading up to the race found me checking the weather in Cincinnati daily and seeing only rain and snow in the forecast. Saturday didn't disappoint; the snow and rain that had landed in the previous week was turning the course into a wheel spinning quagmire, and being the 5th race of the day, I knew we'd be in for a real treat.
"I won't pretend to compare outrageous conditions of the 2006 NCAA Division III national meet to what we were running in, but it was still pretty ugly. To quote Eric Pierce - "I think I ran 20k as result of darting back and forth trying to find the firmest ground.
"The Fun was coming in lacking a little of our firepower, a number of our guns were either recovering from marathons, taking finals, or attending weddings. We would've loved to have had Ed Whetham, Mike Stoick, Malcolm Richards, Sam Renneberg, or Jake Januszewski, to help us out, but we still stood at the starting line with an able-bodied and proud crew of 7.
"Personally I was disappointed in my race, I got out very conservative (I found myself in the back 10 of a 420 person race for the first quarter mile) a tactic that had been serving me well in races building up to Club Nationals. However, in a 400+ person race in the conditions we were facing, I probably should've taken the advice of my former Hamline teammates and Coach Paul Schmaedeke and got out of the gates a little bit harder. I found it extremely hard to move in the muck and mire, and was only able to move into the top 100 in the last 400m.
"Eric Hartmark led our team with a strong 54th place finish (and would've been the 7th man on a strong ex-Hanson's-Brooks squad.) Former Carleton College runner Matt Hooley bounced back from a disappointing Olympic Trials Marathon and told me he was very happy with his 28th place finish.
"All told, we were disappointed by our team placing, needless to say we were hoping for a much higher finish. We didn't let this get us down however as we celebrated at both the local Chuck E. Cheese and the great after-party held by the Columbus Running Company.”
You can find full men's results HERE.
Women's results are HERE.
Run N Fun team photo by Thom Weddle: (LR) Eric Pierce, Kelly Mortenson, Jeffrey Metzdorff, Jason Finch, Christopher Grossinger, Eric Hartmark, Michael Little.
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Finnerty 9th at Foot Locker Nationals ...
... and Bound for Wisconsin Next Year

Burnsville distance running star Rob Finnerty finished 9th at the Foot Locker Nationals in Balboa Park in San Diego. The 2007 MSHSL Class AA State cross country champion clocked 15:21 over the 5k course.
Michael Fout of Indiana won the race in 14:50.
The Midwest team of Fout, Christopher Derrick of Illinois, Kevin Havel of Illinois, Finnerty, and Maverick Darling of Michigan easily won the team title with 29 points.
Full boys results are HERE.
Girls results are HERE.
Bound to be a Badger ... The Star-Tribune reported on Saturday that Finnerty has committed to the University of Wisconsin for college next year. Finnerty chose Wisconsin over Oregon and the Univeristy of Minnesota, noting that he felt he "clicked" with Badger coach Jerry Schumacher.
Photo by Victor Sailer
Friday, December 07, 2007
Four Locals to Officiate at Olympic Trials

Donna Zirgibel will serve as a pole vault official, Mike Karlson will officiate the high jump, Jamaro Rainey will work the long jump, and Larry Zirgibel will serve as a starter.
The meet commences on Friday, June 27 and runs, jumps, and throws through Sunday, July 6.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Goodwin Named USATF Contributor of the Year
Goodwin (pictured) became the 31st recipient of the Marja Bakker Award whose honorees have included such well-known names in women's distance running as Nina Kuscik, Doris Brown Heritage, Dr. Joan Ullyot, and Francie Larrieu Smith.
Goodwin is the second Minnesotan to win the award; LeeAnn Meyer was the 1993 recipient.
Mickey Piscitelli, USATF's Women's LDR awards coordinator and the person who nominated Goodwin for the award, said the following at the awards' ceremony:
“The ongoing successes realized by the members of Team USA Minnesota can be attributed in part to a person who volunteers her time as a marketing and promotion specialist. Pat Goodwin’s labor of love is to bring local resources together to dramatically improve post-collegiate American distance running and develop future Olympians. I attended the Long Distance Running “Meet Team USA ” session yesterday in which Team USA Minnesota athlete and Olympic Trails qualifier Matt Gabrielson spoke about his experiences with the group. He emphasized Pat Goodwin’s role in the establishment and success of their training center."
The award is presented for outstanding contributions and service to Women's Long Distance Running. It is named in memory of Marja Bakker, former President of the Boston Athletic Association, former President of the USATF-New England, and a member of the BAA Board of Governors. She was the first woman to serve the BAA in either of those capacities, and was a member of USATF's Women's LDR executive committee.
Goodwin and a group of similarly minded people formed Team USA Minnesota in January 2001.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Schuck: Behind the Mavs 5th Place at NCAAs
DtB: How did the Nationals race play out? Did you guys get your position early on? Could you see how you were doing relative to Grand Valley and Chico State?
Schuck: Our race plan was to be a little conservative at the start and work our way up. We wanted Denise in the top 15 at 5k and he was and the rest around 25 to 40th. I didn’t look so much to Grand Valley or Chico but rather was more concerned with our position in the meet. My job is to let the athlete know where they are and to remind them of their goals and race plan. I try to keep it simple when the heat is on. I thought we could be in the top eight for sure with a shot at top four Dan Ristau, our number 3 man all year did not have a good race and ended up 7th man for us. As you know, that can happen sometimes. He was trying so hard.
DtB: The 5th place finish at NCAAs is the best for your team since 1999 when they were third. Did you have a lot of confidence in this year's group all season?
Schuck: I have had a lot of confidence in this team. They kept improving every week. It was fun to watch that improvement.
DtB: You had three all-Americans. If you would, tell us a bit about what made each of them successful?
Schuck: The three all-Americans of Denise, James and Jeff are all hard working guys as are the rest of the four. I felt that all 7 of our team could have been all-American. Denise has a lot of talent and works hard. He was not our number one man early in the season, because he was out of shape in the early part. James is very tough mentally as is Jeff. Jeff has had a history of injuries, so he marches to his own drummer to stay healthy. It seems to be working. James always wants more and will do what it takes to be good. He never ran high school cross country. Not bad for a soccer player.
DtB: Looking ahead, you return six runners next year. Other than Grand Valley, though, your immediate competition doesn't graduate many either. What will it take get yourselves into a top-4, trophy-earning position in 2008?
Schuck: Luck is the answer. But my definition of luck is “when preparation meets opportunity”. I hope we have the opportunity and get to the National Meet and then I hope we will be better prepared to meet the challenge. The competition is not going away. To be in the top four, we must rise above the challenge. And the National meet is in Pennsylvania next year and I hope it snows.
Photo courtesy of Minnesota State - Mankato.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Snow Doesn't Hamper Hall of Fame Ceremony

Minnesota Track and Field Hall of Fame committee chairman Tim Zbikowski sent DtB the photo above and told us last Saturday's Hall of Fame banquet and induction ceremony was a success, despite the bad weather and the absence of one of this year's inductees.
"The ceremony went very well," Zbikowski wrote us. "Dick Mulkern's acceptance speech was the highlight of the evening. It's always fun to hear stories from way, way back. For example, Dick's first introduction to throwing events was watching Fortune Gordien on the practice field at the U of M in 1947."
There was no small amount of humor involved, too, it appeared.
"In my introduction to Dick," Zbikowski added, "I mentioned someone penned on the ballot next to Dick's name, 'Over 55 years coaching, this guy must be a saint!' Gary Wilson followed Dick, and one of the first things he said was: 'I've known Dick Mulkern for a long time, and he's no saint!' Then he proceeded to tell us stories about Dick."
Inducted into the Hall were (pictured from left in the photo above): Dick Mulkern, Gary Wilson, Donovan Bergstrom, Jerry McNeal, and Carson Hoeft. Sarah Renk Thorsett was also named to the Hall but was unable to attend the ceremony.
(There's more info on each of the inductees HERE.)
"Unfortunately, Sarah Renk Thorsett was not able to attend to receive her award," Zbikowski said. "She had planned to, then just this week she experienced an elevated heart rate. They have a heart rate monitor on her and advised against long distance travel."
"I talked to her for quite a while and she seemed quite upbeat about her condition, but was really disappointed she couldn't attend the ceremony," he added. "I shared with her a couple of stories about my heart attack and a successful return to competitive running. We have some great medical technology available now and I'm sure it will only get better."
Sixty-seven athletes, coaches, and contributors to the sport are now enshried in the Hall.
Wayzata's Bill Miles: "No Mulligans in XC"

DtB: How did you feel the team ran at NTN?
Miles: Every team at NTN is talented and I'm sure that every team there has a sense that they could have run better if...but there are no mulligans in XC. It is one of the things that we like about our sport. Our club coach, Kraig Lungstrom, said he was proud of the kids' races and I know that as a fan I was proud to be wearing a Wayzata sweatshirt.
DtB: Did you get a sense afterward of what they might have been able to do there on a "perfect" day?
Miles: I figured that with a "normal gap" for us we finish about 15th, but I'm sure that every team in the meet figures that they could have finished 15th... or better.
DtB: What do you think about post-season meets like NTN and Foot Locker?
Miles: In some ways it was a long season for our kids. They only ran about six races for their high school team and two for their club team, but they were trying to hold their edge for six or seven weeks and that is a long time. So even if they were not over-raced, they were probably ready for the season to be over. However, the Wayzata students that ran in Portland had a great time talking with elite athletes like the Gouchers and Lauren Fleshman and motivated high school athletes from other regions. I have not spoken to all of them since they got back from Portland, but those I have spoken to were positive about the experience. Over the years many Wayzata students have opted to run at Footlocker Regionals year after year. I would bet that our seniors are thankful that they got to go to a NTN meet and that the underclassmen would love to get a second shot at the kids from Illinois, New Mexico, and Washington! Personally, I wish that I had been talented enough to be a runner on an NTN qualifier and fortunate enough to be on a team gifted enough to run in the NTN.
DtB: Are they generally a good thing for the sport?
Miles: I think that they are a great thing for the sport. We're still talking about Cross Country in December in Wayzata. High school kids got to eat dinner with Olympians who told them to chase their dreams and believe in themselves. In my opinion these are good things.
DtB: How does the Wayzata 2007 team stack up, do you think, against the other four state-title-winning teams you've had?
Miles: This team is very different from the 2000, 1993, & 1992 Wayzata state champions and the 1975 Cretin state championship team that I coached. All of the other teams had at least one low scorer who was capable of finishing in the top three at the state meet or running 9:20ish in track. This squad won with strength, balance, and a tight pack. Perhaps this spring, I'll look foolish as Jeremy Drenckhan and Danny Ducharme run 9:20ish, but today they are 9:39 two milers.
I think in talent the 1975 team was the most gifted. It averaged under 9:25 for five runners for two miles (not 3200) and had a 9:39/1:56 runner as its eighth man. It finished the season ranked #2 in the country behind York of Illinois. All three of the previous Wayzata championship teams were ranked nationally by the Harrier, but none of them (with the possible exception of 1992) had the depth through seven runners of this year's squad. The beautiful thing about sports is that there is always next year. Maybe we can get the front running and the depth together to have Wayzata in 2008 be the most talented group I have ever coached.
DtB: When you look back on the 2007 season, say in 10 years, what do you think will stand out in your memory?
Miles: The leadership of our seniors.The transformation of Anders Bowman and Andrew Wasz from middle of the pack JV runners to sub-ten minute 3200 runners. The camaraderie of the tempo runs on Saturdays and the 1k (or mile) repeat workouts on Tuesdays.The surprise of winning Griak after getting trapped behind the masses.The composure of our athletes in pressure races. And most importantly beating our girls' team in the Great Cake Bake Off. We have now won six of the seven titles.
Monday, December 03, 2007
Cueno, Sample Qualify at Cal International
Cueno finished second in the women's race in 2:42:03.
Sample ran 2:46:00.
The results page at the CIM site (HERE) wasn't working as of Monday morning, but the Sacramento Bee had a story about the event's nine Trials qualifiers HERE.
The women's marathon trials are set for April 20 in Boston.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Wayzata Boys 20th at Nike Team Nationals

Danny Ducharme lead the Trojans with a 47th place finish in 17:06.9 over the 5k course.
Naperville, Illinois won the boys' meet with 125 points, edging Los Alamos, New Mexico which tallied 127.
In girls competition, Manlius of New York won with 83 points. Newhall of California was second with 171.
Boys results can be found HERE.
Girls results are HERE.