Friday, September 07, 2012

MIAC Student-Athlete Spotlight

A weekly feature for the MIAC is the student-athlete spotlight.  This week's featured athlete in XC is:
Caitlin Goodman, College of Saint Benedict
Senior, Women’s Cross Country
Eugene, OR/ South Eugene High School
Major: Nutrition. Minor: Coaching and English

Why did you choose to be a Division III student-athlete? 
Because D3 provided me with a learning environment that was important to me such as small classes and the opportunity to form close relationships with my professors while also continuing to pursue my athletics dreams and potential.
What is the greatest lesson you have learned from being a student-athlete? 
I have learned a lot of about sacrifice. If you want to reach your full potential you have to work really hard and you do have to give things up. You have to make smart choices about your activities and the food you put into your body so that you are ready to perform your best. Sometimes it is really hard to tell your friends you are going to bed at 10 on a Saturday night but I can promise you it is always worth it and your sacrifice will pay off.
How do you hope your combined academic and athletic college experience will help you as you pursue future endeavors?
I want to become a sports dietician and work at a university or college helping athletes reach their full potential with the help of nutrition. I love my course of study so much because it directly relates to me as an athlete. I love sports and I want to continue to be around competitive people for as long as I can. Sports Nutrition is the perfect field for me.
What is your greatest sports moment? 
Last season I PRed every race until conference. That was pretty special being able to constantly see improvement.

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