Tuesday, October 07, 2014

News:MIAC AOW; NSIC Week in Review/AOW; UMAC AOW; NCAA; HS Results; Kampf; Erb; RRCA Roads Scholars; Barres; Jones

MIAC men's Athlete of the Week HERE, women's HERE.

NSIC week in review/AOW for men HERE, women HERE

UMAC Athletes of the Week are HERE.

NCAA DI national rankings HERE, DII regional rankings HERE, DIII regional rankings HERE.

Kasson-Mantorville Invitational boy's results HERE, girl's HERE.

PEM/Jodi Rahman Invitational results are HERE.

St. Cloud Tech Invitational results are HERE.

Women's Running chat with Medtronic TCM champions Ester Erb is HERE.

T&F News interview with Heather Kampf HERE.

Erb is also one of the RRCA 2014 Roads Scholars along with Team USA Minnesota's Emily Gordon and Jon Peterson  HERE.

Amby Burfoot writes more on his Mystic, CT "neighbor," Spyros Barres, who wins US Masters titles despite Crohn's disease and an ileostomy HERE.

A Roger Robinson analysis for Running Times on the impact Steve Jones had on the marathon in the 1980s HERE  Toni Reavis remembers Jones' World Record in Chicago in 1984 HERE.

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