Sunday, September 07, 2014

Minnesota Mile; Reiti/Grunewald, Leer; Great North Run/Bersagel

Team USA Minnesota's "Three Musketeers" at the
Minnesota Mile(from L to R: Eric Finan, Heather Kampf,
and Jon Peterson
Team USA Minnesota's Heather Kampf won the Minnesota Mile women's race in Duluth on Sunday in 4:29.9.  Results are HERE.  In the men's race her teammate Jon Peterson was second in 4:04.0 with  Eric Finan  eighth in 4:10.9.  Rob Finnerty finished sixth in 4:08.3.

Gabe Grunewald finished second in Rieti in the 800 in 2:02.01. Results are HERE. Will Leer finished fifth in his heat of the men's 800 in 1:49.25.  Results HERE.

Anneie Bersagel finished eleventh in the Great North Run Half Marathon in 1:13.19.  Results are HERE.(click on tab for elite women and go to page 2)  "Some days everything clicks and some days, well.... (crickets). Next half in a few wks. Hint: may need to learn survival French" wrote Bersagel on Twitter.
Kampf breaking the tape.

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