Monday, November 06, 2017

Free App for Charting Routes for Runners, Walkers, Hikers, Tourists and Travelers based on landmarks or geographic features

A distance-based app that creates routes for runners, walkers, hikers, tourists and travelers based on landmarks or geographic features.  This unique feature, along with designating distances and route parameters, creates a highly customized experience.

The app is free at and available on iOS and Android with the ability to create routes in over 50 countries, including the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom.  During its testing phase, which began last spring, the app attracted over 5,000 users.

The app supports routes up to 150 miles in distance.

At present, the app tracks time and mileage and you can even re-route mid-run to return directly to the starting point.  As we develop, we will continue to add features such as splits, elevation, audio tours and social media integration.
Contact:  Pat Goodwin,, 952-454-8876

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