Thursday, February 20, 2014

Lynn Jennings' Medical Adventure: How Running May Have Saved Her Life

Lynn Jennings has done it all on the running scene, three time World XC Champ, Olympic brone medallist at 10K, the list goes on, but her latest adventure was a bit more serious.  She ended up in the hospital with pulmonary emboli, blood clots, in her lungs.  Her experience hits home, because I was in a similar situation several years ago.  Both of us believe that our fitness probably saved our lives.

Like Boston Marathon race director Dave McGillivray, Lynn's tale is a cautionary one for runners.  Don't ignore the symptoms and have your doctor check for blood clots.  Just because you are fit, or super fit as in the case of Dave and Lynn, doesn't mean that a serious condition may not be hidden somewhere in your body.

Lynn's story is HERE.

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