Saturday, February 01, 2014

Heather Kampf Wins 800: Jamie Cheever PRs in 3K: Burkstrand Loses a Shoe

Heather Kampf and Phoebe Wright running
stride for stride to the finish
Team USA Minnesota's Heather Kampf won the 800 Camel City elite race at the Hilton Garden Invitational in North Carolina on Saturday in 2:04.28, a hundreth of a second ahead of runner up Phoebe Wright. Jamie Cheever finished sixth in the 3K Camel City elite race in a personal best of 9:19.11. Complete results are HERE. Race video is HERE.

Team USA Minnesota's Travis Burkstrand joined the lost shoe club as he was spiked and lost his shoe, but still ran 1:53.38 to finish sixth in the 800 at the IU Relays in Bloomington, IN. White Bear Lake grad Eric Gebeke, who runs for Notre Dame, finished just in front of Burkstrand in fifth in 1:53.18.  "Poor decision to finish that race on my part," Burkstrand tweeted after the race.  "Keeping my hopes up that my foot heels before Seattle."  Indiana Relays complete results are HERE.

Heather Kampf, UNC assistant coach Logan Roberts,
and Jamie Cheever

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