Monday, July 22, 2013

Near Miss, But No Qualifying Mark for Amanda Smock; Podominick continues Moscow Prep

Photo by Becky Miller
Saturday was the last day for US athletes to get the qualifying standard for entry into the IAAF World Championships in Moscow.  None of the US women triple jumpers had made the standard through the US Championships, so Amanda Smock and the other jumpers tried to get the elusive qualifying mark.  Smock jumped in Chula Vista and Budapest, improving on each competition, but didn't make it.

"After Budapest, I competed at Ljubljana, Lahti, and Chula Vista" said Smock.  "Two of those were really poor performances, and the third was good. I had 5 13.79/13.78m jumps and a foul that they measured out of curiosity where the actual jump distance was 14.18m. Close to where I need to be but I didn't get the 14.20m qualifying mark by the USA 7/20 deadline. If only we followed IAAF set deadline and I had until the 29th. Darn!"

The Chula Vista meet results from July 19 can be found HERE. 14.18m(46'6.5") is Smock's PR, which she set in 2011 at Chula Vista in her successful attempt to qualify for the IAAF World Champs. The US will send no female triple jumpers to Moscow.  Liz Podominick also threw at the Chula Vista meet as prep for the World Championships, taking second with a toss of 192'1"(58.55m).

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