Thursday, July 11, 2013

Minnesotans at the KBC Knight Meet in Huesden; Podominick to throw at Chula Vista OTC Next Week

Hassan Mead, Ben Blankenship, Elliott and Garrett Heath are on the start list for Saturday, July 13's KBC Night Meet in Huesden, Belgium.  Mead will be running the 5K with the US's Ryan Hill who is hoping to run the qualifying standard for the 5K to enable him to run that event in the IAAF Championships in Moscow.

Garrett and Elliott Heath are on the start list for the A heat of the 1500, while Ben Blankenship and Matt Elliott are listed for the B heat.  Next week at the Chula Vista Olympic Training Center in Southern California US World team member Liz Podominick will be competing in the discus at the OTC-12 Pre Worlds competitions there.  It's Podominick's first competition since the US Championships. She's trying to find some overseas meets to keep sharp prior to the Moscow IAAF Champs.

Homepage for the KBC meet is HERE.  Info on the OTC-12 meet is HERE.

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