Monday, February 11, 2013

Want To Run A Mile?

Want to run a mile in Friday's Snowshoe Open on the University of Minnesota's Indoor track?  The Gophers are attempting to put together a "Devil take the Hindmost" event for "citizen runners."  One caveat, you must have run a verified 5 minute and 30 second mile.

Main reason for the cutoff being that this format, if you're not familiar with it, it is not your standard one mile run. Each lap the last runner in the field has to drop out.  Over the eight laps of the mile, seven runners who started won't finish.

First running event starts at 4:30 PM on Friday.  The mile will be early in the program.  If you want to enter, click HERE Put in your information and select the Snowshoe Open on the list of events.  That will take you to the page for selecting your event.  Fill in the information and select "Mile" as your event.  Send in your entry.  The top 20 entrants for the event--according to time--gain entry to the race. Any questions, contact Jo Rider at

Heat sheets and the meet time schedule will be posted on on the men's track and field page by 10 AM , Thursday, February 14.

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