Wednesday, February 06, 2013

News bits

US team at the meet in Glasgow.  Amanda Smock is
second from the right on the bottom row,
next to Bernard Lagat.
Photo courtesy of USATF
Some "old news"--Amanda Smock was part of the US team that competed in Glasgow, Scotland on January 26 in the British Athletics International Match(Five Nations Meet).

The US team finished fifth in the competition won by the British team.  Full results are HERE.  Smock finished fourth in her first competition of 2013.  Triple jump results are HERE.   Smock wrote on her Twitter page; "Not too impressed with my 13.48m today...but I busted off the rust and got the TJ juices flowing!"

She's been preparing for the year with trips for "warm weather" training in San Diego.

Post Houston interview with Andrew Carlson by Carrie Tollefson is HERE.

In other news, Minneapolis is considering a bid for the 2024 Olympics.  Lots of "hoops" to jump through before this becomes anything more than an idea.  The key hurdle being USOC backing for a host US city.  MSP Business Journal article on the process HERE.

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