Sunday, August 05, 2012

Goucher 11th in Olympic Marathon

Duluth native Kara Goucher finished 11th in this morning's women's marathon competition at the London Olympic Games.

The 2007 World Championships bronze medalist at 10,000-meters ran 2:26:07, finishing one place behind training partner Shalane Flanagan who clocked 2:25:51.

Ethiopia's Tiki Gelana won the race an Olympic Record 2:23:07.

Some post-race quotes from the two Americans: Shalane Flanagan: “There were some really tough spots. It was tough just to let people pass me, and I had no oomph to go with them. I tried to react, like in a track race, but it is really different for me in the marathon. You already have a lot of miles in your legs and it is so, so, so hard. I could feel myself cramping, but it is what it is. The fans were amazing; I couldn’t even hear my own thoughts. The fans were just deafening. It was a lot of fun besides cramping and feeling awful.

“I just was hoping I could chomp away and get closer, and I did at times, and I fell off at times. I was yo-yo-ing all over the place.

“One minute I was wearing my hat, the next minute I felt hot in it. But you know it was like Portland weather, I’m not fazed by it. It’s like home.

“Kara and I prepared our bodies and our minds the best we could, and we knew that on any given day we are both really good competitors and can run with the best. The ultimate goal was to get on the podium. This is my third marathon and I’m learning every time. I’ve got to make some mistakes to get to that level.”

Kara Goucher: “I’ve got to be honest, when I saw her [Shalane] with two miles to go, it actually broke my spirit. Because I thought one of us had a shot. People mess up, and I’ve trained so hard. I didn't even know women trained the way that I've trained with Shalane. I didn't know it existed. And I really thought that with the right window of opportunity, one of us could deliver and unfortunately it didn't come to be.

“A championship race is just different. It was good for Shalane and I. We had no intention of leading and matching everyone else's cadence, but we decided to stay up front because it was clean. Both times I tried to go back to the second and third row, I got pushed and grunted at and stepped on, so I thought, 'What the heck, I'll go ahead and lead the Olympic marathon. I mean, I have no shot of winning this but I'll lead as long as they let me.’

“I never really gave up. Every time I tried to press in that last lap, my back just hurt so bad. It was really frustrating. [The cramps] started in adductors of right calf and then it went to my back. I haven't cramped since I ran the NYC Marathon. I honestly haven't felt that kind of pain since I pushed out a baby. I'm serious. Shalane cramped very badly as well - same place, so we're both a little confused and annoyed."

Find complete results HERE.
Splits and analysis of the race can be found HERE.
Photo courtesy of FloTrack

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