Monday, November 21, 2011

NCAA Cross Country Championships Wrap-Up

Here's a little more from the NCAA Championships at Terre Haute ...

A Minnesota Champion ... For the second year in a row, a Minnesotan has played a key role on an NCAA title-winning team.

Georgetown's Claire Richardson, a Blake graduate, was the #2 runner for the women's titlists. Georgetown, with 162 points, won a close-fought victory over 2008 NCAA champions Washington (170) and two-time defending champions Villanova (181).

DtB had a semi-chaotic walk-and-talk interview with Richardson which you can listen to here ...

Johnathan Stublaski, a Sibley graduate, was a key to Oklahoma State men's title last year. This year, Stublaski finished 85th as the #5 runner for the runner-up Cowboys.

Plasencia on Mead ... Gopher men's coach Steve Plasencia had the following to say about All-American Hassan Mead:

“I am very happy for Hassan with being named an All-American. Even though he would have liked to have finished higher up, he is a four time All-American and I couldn’t be more proud of him.”

Plasencia also complemented his 16th-place team ...

“Coming into the season we had a few question marks looking down the line with a couple injuries that hurt our depth a little bit. We had about six guys really step in and helped pull that wagon to help get this program back to the NCAA’s. It was a good finish for us.”

Wilson on the Gopher Women ...
Gopher women's coach Gary Wilson had praise for the 27th-place Gopher women

“I have said it the last couple weeks and I will say it again, we have overcome lots of obstacles near the end and I am proud of how the girls battled. We finished were I thought we were going to, but on a good day I think we could have been in the low 20’s. Maggie Bollig bounced back after sitting out last week and ran a great race. I told them hundreds of teams are sitting at home and you weren’t one of them. I am very proud of this group.”

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