Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Minnesota Stars to Race in Italy Today

Team USA Minnesota stars Gabriele Anderson and Heather Kampf, Winona native Garrett Heath, and Burnsville High School alumnus Laura Januszewski are scheduled to compete in Lignano, Italy tonight in the Meeting Internazionale Di Atletica Leggera.

13.1 Mpls

Anderson and Kampf are fresh off personal bests for 1500-meters set at the Citta de Padova meet. Anderson clocked 4:10.15 in the Padua, Italy race; Kampf ran 4:12.09. In Lignano, Anderson plans to race 5000m, while Kampf will compete in the 800m.

Januszewski will also compete in the Lignano 800m, while Heath will run the 1500m at the meet. Janusezewski ran a pair of 800s in Europe last week -- clocking 2:03.72 in Nuoro, Italy early in the week (in a race that Kampf won in 2:01.96) and then running 2:02.83 in Padua.

Heath ran a 7:52.91 3000m last week and followed up that PR with a 3:41.06 1500m a few days later. Both races took place in Belgium.

Find Lignano startlists HERE. Later in the day, look for Lignano results HERE.

1 comment:

  1. Wow--Big PR for Kampf!!!! Congratulations!
