Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Blankenship Wins in Belgium

Apologies and congrats to Ben Blankenship, who ran in Kortrijk Guldensporenmeeting on Saturday, the same meet as former Gopher women runners Heather Kampf and Gabriele Anderson, and was first in the 1,500 with a personal best of 3:37.23. Blankenship also ran 3:41.5 for 1,500 in Cork prior to the Belgian meet.

University of Minnesota's men's head track and cross country coach Steve Plasencia helped arrange entry and the schedule of meets Ben will run in Europe. Next up is a 1,500 at the KBC Night of Athletics meet in Huesden on July 16, followed possibly by a 3,000 meter race in Lucerne on July 21st.
13.1 Mpls

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