Monday, March 14, 2011

Team USA Minn. Women Strong at 15K

A strong performance by Team USA Minnesota's women's contingent netted the Minnesota-based training group the women's team title at the USA 15K Championships in Jacksonville, Florida.

Newly-signed Megan Hogan, who made her professional debut in the race, finished third in the race in 49:57, leading a flood of Team USA Minnesotans into the finish chute. Meghan Armstrong finished fifth in a PR 51:18, while defending champion Katie McGregor was sixth in 51:21.

Jen Rhines won the women's race in 49:31; Nan Kennard was second in 49:56.

Video: RunnerSpace interview with Megan Hogan.

“My goal was to stick with the lead pack and see how things went from there,” Hogan said in a Team USA Minnesota media release. “At three miles, Jen picked it up and Nan went with her. I just kept them in my sights. At the top of the bridge (between 8 and 9 miles) I caught up to Nan, but then she had a really good down hill kick and got away from me. I almost caught her again on the flat going into the finish line but she held me off."

“My goal was top 10 and I had hoped for top five so I was really pleased with the results," the George Washington University alumnus added. "I have been training on the treadmill over the winter and just joined Team USA Minnesota, so I was really curious to see where I was at with my fitness. I am excited that our women won the team competition. It’s fun to train and compete with them and to do so well together. I needed a good confidence builder so this race was a great way to kick off my season.”

Two Team USA Minnesota's men competed in the race: Josh Moen finished 11th in a PR 44:16; Matt Gabrielson was 20th in 44:56.

Complete results of the race are HERE.

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