Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tollefson to Get Cold, Wet for Special Olympics

2004 Olympic 1500-meter semi-finalist Carrie Tollefson will brave the elements for a good cause next Saturday.

The 13-time Minnesota State High School League champion will participate in the Polar Plunge to raise money and awareness for Special Olympics on February 26. Tollefson (pictured) will brave the icy waters at Crystal Beach in Burnsville along with her husband, Charlie Peterson, and the video production crew for her podcast C Tolle Run.

"I’ve never done a Polar Plunge before and what a great way to do it," Tollefson said in a media release. "Knowing that these athletes will benefit from me freezing my buns off is awesome! It is just another way to spread the word about what athletics and physical fitness means to each and every one of us.”

The local Polar Plunge consists of 14 different plunge events held across the state, in which participants plunge into a frozen lake. Plungers raise a minimum of $75 to participate, with the proceeds benefiting the Special Olympics. In its fourteenth year, the Polar Plunge last year raised $1.4 million and had more than 7000 participants.

As part of the Polar Plunge, Tollefson will be documenting the experience for an episode of C Tolle Run, a new video podcast about Tollefson and her racing comeback targeting the 2012 Olympics. The podcast features “Day In the Life” episodes about Tollefson and her family, as well as informative videos about running and other endurance sports.

Videos are available at www.CTolleRun.com. The Polar Plunge episode will air Wednesday, March 2, 2011.

Photo by Victor Sailor/Photo Run.

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