Thursday, April 15, 2010

Grandma's Seeks Non-Running Talent

It might be time to get the band back together. Or, to break out your old juggling balls.

Grandma's Marathon announced yesterday that it is looking for people who wish to showcase their talent and share their community spirit by performing along the course at this year's Grandma's Marathon, scheduled for June 19.

13.1 Mpls

According to the Grandma's media release, "High school bands, cheerleading squads, dance teams, soloists, church choirs, jugglers—any individual or group bringing excitement and enthusiasm to the racecourse are welcome."

All entertainers will receive official Grandma's Marathon course entertainment T-shirts, refreshment tickets, and invitations to the annual Volunteer Appreciation Party on Sunday, June 27 at Grandma’s Sports Garden.

For more information, contact Linda Hanson at
(218) 727-0947 or linda[AT]grandmasmarathon[DOT]com

Now, where do I have my old clown make-up stored?


  1. There's nothing like a good church choir to get me to run faster.

  2. Chad,

    "Onward Christian soldiers!"

    -- Charlie
