Thursday, November 06, 2008

McGregor Reflects on NYC Marathon

Team USA Minnesota's Katie McGregor (pictured) was kind enough to answer some of our questions about her PR 2:31:14, 10th place finish at the ING New York City Marathon.

DtB: How did the race set up and play out for you? Like you hoped?

McGregor: The race played out well overall. I thought I ran smart, but I did have a few slow miles here and there that I wish would have been faster. I started hurting with a few miles to go and couldn't keep up the tempo I needed to dip under 2:30, which was my overall goal.

DtB: What was the toughest patch for you?

McGregor: Around mile 15 or so and then 23-26 were tough. There was a bit of a headwind the entire time, but nothing horrible. I ran by myself for most of the race, which was mentally challenging.

DtB: We're you pleased with the time and place, or hoping for more?

McGregor: I was hoping for a better time. I wanted to finish at least top 10, so I was pleased with the place. I figured I could run between 2:28-2:30. And if I had a great day be closer to the top 5.

Watch the Race Again ... If you didn't catch the ING New York City Marathon live ( ... or even if you did), you can watch highlights of the race HERE, thanks to Universal Sports. Included in the highlight package is rebroadcast of the women's race in its entirety.

Goucher Named Athlete of the Week ... Duluth native Kara Goucher, who finished 3rd at NYC was named USA Track and Field's Athlete of the Week yesterday. Read the USATF media release HERE.

Photo by Victor Sailer/PhotoRun

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