Tuesday, August 05, 2008

USATF-MN Cross Country Circuit Set

USATF Minnesota Long Distance Running Chair Ed Whetham recently announced the association's Cross Country Circuit for 2008. While the date and location of the Minnesota Championships (which counts for double points in the Circuit) are still being decided, the bulk of the series is set.

Cross Country Circuit races for 2008:

Sun., Sept. 21
Fort Snelling Relays
5 person x 5k relay
Fort Snelling State Park, St. Paul

Sun., Sept 28
St. Catherine’s XC Meet
6k (men) 4k (women)
College of St. Catherine, St. Paul

Sat., Oct. 11
Wildcat XC Classic
5k (men) 5k (women)
Eagan High School

Sun., Oct 19
Challenge at Gale Woods
5k (men) 5k (women)
Gale Woods Farms, Minnetrista

Sun., Nov. 2
Rocky’s Run

8k (men) 5k (women)
University of Minnesota Golf Course, Minneapolis

The USATF-MN Open and Masters CC Championships will likely be held in conjunction with the Junior Olympics Championships as in past years. However, details are still in flux. According to Whetham, the goal is to provide an opportunity for open men to run a 10k and open women a 6k at the championship event. More details will be provided as they become available.

Whetham noted that rules and scoring will remain the same as the 2007 Circuit. Contact Whetham at ldr@usatfmn.org for more information.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:25 AM

    I thought the scoring was to be the same as last years cross circuit, not the same as this last years 2008 circuit. The new scoring didn't go over well. Can you clarify from Ed? Thanks.
