Monday, August 25, 2008

Catching Up ... with Keller, Koski, & Conway

Okay, we'll admit it.

That little meet they held over in China -- the Olym-somethings -- well, it got us behind on some of the news of the sport right here at home in good, old Minnesota. In what will, I'm sure, be a week-long effort to get all caught up, here's the first of what got relegated to the back burner when our focus was on Kara, Shani, Barbora, Rasa, Tahesia, and Philip ...

DtB contributor Chad Austin recently posted a new interview on his fine Running Minnesota web-site, HERE. In it, he interview's masters road racing star Doug Keller. We also noticed recent interviews with Katie Koski and Dan Conway -- two running buddies of mine from my Duluth days, I'm proud to say -- that we hadn't yet called attention to.

Enjoy Chad's fine interviews ... and stay tuned!

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