Monday, June 30, 2008

the track town diaries: june 29

We spent some time exploring Eugene on Sunday. Did a little hike in Hendricks Park and made our way over to Pre's Rock. We ran into Mounds View coach Dick Riter and talked about all of the Minnesotans at The Trials.

At the track: It was great to see Shani Marks do so well. She just seems like a genuinely nice person.

We ran into Dennis Barker and Chris Lundstrom on our way out of Hayward Field. They agreed to join us at Track Town Pizza. Dennis was doing business all night. At one point he took a call from Alberto Salazar, which was a little surreal.

Liz Roehrig and Hassan Mead came by to pick up a pizza. Jim Docherty joined us later in the evening. It was a fun night.


  1. Cool, but how was the pizza?

  2. The pizza was actually great. Thin crust, plenty of toppings. We went with "The Olympian" (Pepperonni, Olives, Mushrooms, Sausage, and fresh grated parmesan) and "The Triple Jump" (Olive oil, fresh garlic, spinach, feta, onion and sausage).

  3. Running and Track and now ...

    Restaurant Reviews!
