Friday, May 16, 2008

USATF-Mn Features Emily Brown Interview

The USA Track and Field Minnesota web-site is featuring an interview with Team USA Minnesota's Emily Brown as the latest installment of its "Road to Beijing" series. Running Minnesota's Chad Austin conducted the interview.

Explaining where her recent breakthrough came from, the U of M grad offered Austin the following ...

"At Minnesota, as at most colleges, the ultimate goal is to win team championships. We were a team that was very focused on winning Big Ten titles and I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. I was also in a position to run in a number of Regional and National meets. Although winning championships and qualifying for NCAA’s are both markers of a successful season, they also require a runner to do a lot of racing and have multiple or sustained peaks throughout all three seasons. Each year I had a lengthened season; the time I had to rebuild my base got shorter and shorter. Now that I am out on my own, my racing has been much less and I haven’t had to be top shape for any particular race yet. I had a very long period to build my base and increase my mileage and I think that is the main reason why I am running better than I did in college."

You can read the full interview HERE.

Photo of Brown leading Rasa Troup at the Drake Relays by Gene Niemi.

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