Monday, April 14, 2008

Masters Great Ellen McCoy Dead at 87

Ellen McCoy, who in 2006 was named Minnesota's top female distance runner of the last 20 years in three separate over-70 masters categories, died April 12.

You can read her Star-Tribune obituary HERE.

McCoy, who is survived by her husband of 67 years, Morris, was a 14-time Minnesota Runner of the Year for her age-group. Although she stopped competing in 2000 at age 80, at the end of 2005 she still held 37 Minnesota age records.

McCoy ran PRs of 25:06 for 5K and 42:49 for 8K as a 70-year-old. She clocked a PR 52:20 10K at 71.


  1. Thank you for posting on my grandmother it means a lot to the whole family. She really made her mark when she started running at age 65. Ellen definitely motivated me to run and will inspire others to make running a life long sport. Thanks again.

  2. You're welcome, Brody.

    You and your whole family have our sympathy.

  3. I also thank you for the wonderful posting on my mother. Raising 6 children is often a hard, hard, thankless job and I will be eternally grateful to the whole running community - they expressed their admiration and appreciation of her so generously that she truly could feel what a jewel she was. Thanks again!
