Thursday, February 28, 2008

McGregor, Deatherage Talk About USATF Indoors

Team USA Minnesota's Katie McGregor(3K) finished fourth and Jenelle Deatherage(1,500) was second in their respective events at the USATF Indoor Championships in Boston last weekend. Deatherage earned a spot on the US team that will compete in the IAAF World Championships in Spain March 7-9. They answered some questions from DtB.

DtB: Any travel problems getting to and from Boston?

KM: I didn't have any trouble getting to Boston. Jenelle and I were on an early flight on Friday.

DtB: How did your race go?

KM: The race served its purpose. I would have liked to place in the top three or run a sub nine minute race, but I can live with the outcome. Indoor nationals is more about tactics than personal records. It was nice to have a shorter race since I won't have another one for a really long time.

JD: I am very excited to have made the world indoor team. This is my first time making a world team out-right. I ran world indoors in 2004 when I was 4th at nationals and a few women ahead of me chose not to compete.

DtB: What's your goal at World Indoors?

JD: My goal over there is to compete well and to make the final!

DtB: Katie, you are running World Cross, what's your schedule like?

KM: Next up Gate River 15K(March 8), New York 8K(March 17), World Cross Country(March 30).

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