Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Grandma's Announces New Drug Policy

It wasn't until yesterday that we even had a "Drugs" tag on Down the Backstretch. Now we've got two posts under the heading ...

Grandma's Marathon announced today -- with impeccable timing, we must note! -- that the event has instituted a new performance-enhancing drugs policy. The key elements of the new rules include:

(1) Disqualifying any athlete testing positive for a banned substance at any Grandma’s Marathon event.

(2) Not recruiting, subsidizing, or otherwise assisting any athlete who has previously been suspended for using a banned substance.

(3) Ceasing relationships with the coach and/or agent of any athlete suspended for banned drug use.

(4) Requiring elite athletes competing in Grandma’s Marathon or the Garry Bjorklund Half Marathon to sign an affidavit acknowledging awareness of the Grandma’s Marathon drug policy and stating that they are not using performance-enhancing drugs.

The announcement comes in the wake of the disqualification of 2006 Grandma's women's champion, Halina Karnatsevich, for failing a drug test at the event. It also coincides with the revelation that Saturday's Get in Gear men's winner was invited to that race despite a history -- apparently unknown to race organizers -- that included a drug violation and the use of an assumed name.

“It is extremely important for our sport’s future to make it loud and clear that cheating will not be tolerated,” Grandma's Marathon Executive Director Scott Keenan said in a media release. “This policy will help us continue to do our part to inform and educate runners about the consequences and negative impacts of drug use."

Elements #2 and #3 of the policy are in step with the more restrictive measures some events have taken with previous drug violators. Such measures can, however, effectively continue the punishment of athletes who have served their drug suspensions and could impact potentially innocent coaches, agents, and athletes affiliated with offending athletes.

Testing in 2007 ... Grandma's also reported that they have received confirmation from USA Track & Field that drug testing will be done at the 2007 Grandma’s Marathon on June 16. This is only the fifth time drug testing will be conducted in the 31-year history of Grandma’s Marathon.

“We are very fortunate to have drug testing returning to Grandma’s Marathon in back-to-back years. It is our goal to do everything we can to ensure that the sport of long-distance running is clean,” Keenan said.

Read ... Kevin Pates' Duluth News-Tribune story about the new policy HERE.

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