Friday, April 27, 2007

Star-Tribune: How Hamline Elite-Meet Director Lynden Reder Got His Coaching Job

As the WDTB production truck rumbles up I-35 toward the Hamline Elite-Meet ...

We thought you might want to read the Star-Tribune's interview with meet director and Hamline men's coach Lynden Reder. As part of their Business Page series called "How I got my job," Reder tells the story of sending e-mails to every college track and field program in the state and hearing back from only one -- Hamline -- where, only three years later, he's now the Head Men's Track & Field Coach.

The heat sheets are now posted for Reder's Elite-Meet.

Keep your browser tuned to Down the Backstretch tonight for live coverage of the event. If the truck -- a 10-year-old pick-up with a bed full of firewood, we should clarify -- doesn't break down between Northfield and St. Paul, we'll have results, updates, and even video of the meet starting at 5:30 p.m.

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