Wednesday, March 21, 2007

" ... I had to treat this like the last mile of an interval session."

Sunday's Human Race victor Pat Russell -- a runner with some wild range -- offered insights into his win recently on his The Unforgiving Minute site. I immediately recognized the feeling he describes in the snippet I used for the headline above ...

"I didn't hear a 4M split, but all I knew at that point is I had to treat this like the last mile of an interval session."

Russell completes the thought, and the race, with ...

"I felt strong, but Jeremy [Polson] looked strong as well. Joey [Keillor] was lurking too. Nobody could seem to break away. I could picture a photo finish coming up. As we approached the yellow gates at the starting line I knew we had about four blocks to go. I surged again and Jeremy covered and surged. I covered and surged. We were neck and neck with a block to go. I finally found some of that relaxation I had been looking for and put on one final all out sprint and managed to beat Jeremy to the tape (barely). Thank you indoor track."

Exciting 8K victories notwithstanding, Russell is actually pointing for the USA 100K Championship in Madison in less than three weeks. The event figures into the USATF selection criteria for the USA World Cup 100K to be held in the Netherlands in September.

Russell has represented the USA in the last two World Cup 100K events -- finishing 16th in 2005.

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