Monday, March 05, 2007

Beardsley 10th at Napa Valley in 2:45:11

Dick Berdsley, 50, the fourth fastest marathoner in American history, finished 10th at Sunday's Napa Valley Marathon in 2:45:11. Beardsley won his 50-54 age-group and was also the top masters runner in the field.

Beardsley (pictured, winning the 1981 Grandma's Marathon) the still holds the Napa Valley course record of 2:16:20 from 1987

"This race has been very good to me over the years," Beardsley told the Running USA Wire's Mark Winitz. "And, it worked out really well for me this year. It was just a perfect day to run."

Beardsley still holds the Grandma's marathon course record of 2:09:37 set in the 1981 race.

Photo courtesy of Grandma's Marathon.

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