Thursday, February 22, 2007

2006 Minnesota Runners of the Year

For years Jack Moran compiled the best road race performances in Minnesota and published the results on his website, as well as in an annual yearbook. When Jack retired as state record keeper following the 2005 season, it was unclear if anyone would continue the annual rankings.

Due to popular demand, masters runner Mike Setter stepped up to the plate and worked with new state record keeper Barb Leininger to compile the 2006 results. One added feature is the ability to view all of the qualifying performances for a particular age group.

Leininger reports that she and Setter plan to continue the process this year and provide updates on the standings during the 2007 season. You can send questions and comments you might have to Leininger at

1 comment:

  1. I always enjoy looking over the prior year results and want to thank Mike for the hours he spent pulling this information together. I am willing to contribute or pay to have access to this type of information in the future.

    Thanks again Mike. We owe you big time for the 2006 results summary!
